API Reference#

Python bindings for Universal Key Value store library.#


  • Collection-level CRUD operations, like dict.

  • Batch operations & ACID transactions.

  • Graph collections, mimicking networkx.

  • Tabular views, mimicking pandas.

  • Apache Arrow exports for inter-process communication.

class ustore.rocksdb.Collection#
broadcast(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
clear(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection) None#
property docs#
get(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object) object#
get_matrix(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object, arg1: int, arg2: str) int#
property graph#
has_key(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object) object#
property items#
property keys#
property media#
pop(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object) None#
remove(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection) None#
sample_keys(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: int) object#
scan(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: int, arg1: int) numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64]#
set(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
set_matrix(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object, arg1: object) int#
property table#
update(self: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg0: object) None#
class ustore.rocksdb.DataBase#
clear(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataBase) None#
close(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataBase) None#
collection_names(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataBase) List[str]#
property main#
class ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
astype(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: handle) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
drop(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: object) None#
property empty#
head(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
insert(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. insert(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: str, arg1: object) -> None

  2. insert(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: object) -> None

loc(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: handle) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
merge(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame) None#
rename(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: object) None#
sample(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
property shape#
property size#
tail(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
to_arrow(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame) object#
to_csv(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, path: str = '') object#
to_parquet(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: str) None#
update(self: ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame, arg0: object) None#
class ustore.rocksdb.DegreeView#
class ustore.rocksdb.DegreesStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection#
broadcast(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
clear(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection) None#
get(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object) object#
has_key(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object) object#
property items#
property keys#
merge(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
patch(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
remove(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object) None#
scan(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: int, arg1: int) object#
set(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsCollection, arg0: object, arg1: object) None#
class ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVRange#
since(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVRange#
until(self: ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVRange#
class ustore.rocksdb.DocsKVStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.EdgesIter#
class ustore.rocksdb.EdgesRange#
class ustore.rocksdb.EdgesStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.ItemsRange#
since(self: ustore.rocksdb.ItemsRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.ItemsRange#
until(self: ustore.rocksdb.ItemsRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.ItemsRange#
class ustore.rocksdb.ItemsStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.KeysRange#
since(self: ustore.rocksdb.KeysRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.KeysRange#
until(self: ustore.rocksdb.KeysRange, arg0: int) ustore.rocksdb.KeysRange#
class ustore.rocksdb.KeysStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.Network#
add_edge(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. add_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u_for_edge: int, v_for_edge: int) -> None

  2. add_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u_for_edge: int, v_for_edge: int, id: int, **kwargs) -> None

add_edges_from(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. add_edges_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, ebunch_to_add: object) -> None

Adds an adjacency list (in a form of 2 or 3 columnar matrix) to the graph.

  1. add_edges_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, us: object, vs: object, keys: object = None, **kwargs) -> None

Adds edges from members of the first array to members of the second array.

add_node(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, v_to_upsert: int, **kwargs) None#
add_nodes_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: object, **kwargs) None#
property allows_loops#
clear(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#

Removes both vertices and edges from the graph.

clear_edges(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#

Removes edges from the graph.

community_louvain(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) object#

Community Louvain.

copy(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#
property degree#

A DegreeView for the graph.

edge_subgraph(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#
property edges#
get_edge_attributes(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, name: str) object#
get_edge_data(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u: int, v: int, default: object = None) object#
get_node_attributes(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, name: str) object#
has_edge(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. has_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u: int, v: int) -> bool

  2. has_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u: int, v: int, key: int) -> bool

has_node(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, n: int) bool#

Returns True if the graph contains the node n.

property in_degree#

A DegreeView with the number incoming edges for each Vertex.

is_directed(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) bool#
is_multigraph(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) bool#
nbunch_iter(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: _object) numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64]#

Filters given nodes which are also in the graph and returns an iterator over them.

neighbors(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, n: int) object#

Returns an iterable of incoming and outgoing nodes of n. Potentially with duplicates.

property nodes#

A NodeView of the graph.

number_of_edges(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. number_of_edges(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int

Returns the number of edges between two nodes.

  1. number_of_edges(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) -> int

Returns edges count

number_of_nodes(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) int#

Returns the number of nodes in the graph.

order(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) int#

Returns the number of nodes in the graph.

property out_degree#

A DegreeView with the number outgoing edges for each Vertex.

predecessors(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, n: int) object#

Returns an iterable of follower nodes of n.

remove_edge(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. remove_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u_for_edge: int, v_for_edge: int) -> None

  2. remove_edge(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, u_for_edge: int, v_for_edge: int, key: int) -> None

remove_edges_from(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. remove_edges_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, ebunch: object) -> None

Removes all edges in supplied adjacency list (in a form of 2 or 3 columnar matrix) from the graph.

  1. remove_edges_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, us: object, vs: object, keys: object = None) -> None

Removes edges from members of the first array to members of the second array.

remove_node(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, v_to_remove: int) None#
remove_nodes_from(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: object) None#
reverse(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#
set_edge_attributes(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, values: object, name: str | None = None) None#
set_node_attributes(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, values: object, name: str | None = None) None#
size(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, weight: str = '') int#

Returns the number of attributed edges.

subgraph(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. subgraph(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) -> None

  2. subgraph(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: object) -> None

Returns a subgraph in a form of an adjacency list with 3 columns, where every edge (row) contains at least one vertex from the supplied list. Some edges may be duplicated.

  1. subgraph(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None

Returns a subgraph in a form of an adjacency list with 3 columns, where every edge (row) contains at least one vertex from the supplied list at a distance withing a given number hops from the supplied n.

successors(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network, n: int) object#

Returns an iterable of successor nodes of n.

to_directed(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#
to_undirected(self: ustore.rocksdb.Network) None#
class ustore.rocksdb.NodesRange#
class ustore.rocksdb.NodesStream#
class ustore.rocksdb.Transaction#
commit(self: ustore.rocksdb.Transaction) None#
property main#
ustore.rocksdb.allows_loops(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Network) bool#
ustore.rocksdb.density(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Network) float#
ustore.rocksdb.from_dict(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg1: object) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
ustore.rocksdb.from_records(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Collection, arg1: object) ustore.rocksdb.DataFrame#
ustore.rocksdb.is_directed(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Network) bool#
ustore.rocksdb.is_multi(arg0: ustore.rocksdb.Network) bool#
ustore.rocksdb.write_adjlist(G: ustore.rocksdb.Network, path: str, comments: str = '#', delimiter: str = ' ', encoding: str = 'utf-8') None#