Python SDK#

UStore Python SDK#

Current implementation relies on PyBind11. It’s feature-rich, but not the most performant, supporting:

  • Named Collections

  • ACID Transactions

  • Single & Batch Operations

  • Tensors support via Buffer Protocol

  • NetworkX-like interface for Graphs

  • Pandas-like interface for Document collections

  • FAISS-like interface for Vector collections

Using it can be as easy as:

import ustore.ucset as ustore
# import ustore.udisk as ustore
# import ustore.leveldb as ustore
# import ustore.rocksdb as ustore

db = ustore.DataBase()
main_collection = db.main
archive_collection = db['archive']

main_collection[42] = 'purpose of life'.encode()
archive_collection[0] = db[42]
del main_collection[42]
assert len(archive_collection[0]) == 15

All familiar Pythonic stuff!

Operators vs Methods#

Every operator call (“dunder” method) maps to a certain method. Latter are more flexible, as they allow additional arguments.

main_collection[42] = binary_string
main_collection.set(42, binary_string)

Similarly, if you want to erase values:

del main_collection[42]

Look them up:


Or check existence:

42 in main_collection

As you may have noticed, all function names are identical to dict methods. Even those which were removed in Python 3. Resemblance doesn’t stop there. All of these functions are valid:


Those methods seem self-explanatory. One thing to note, the .main collection can’t be removed, only cleared.


Similar to Python ORM tools, transactions scope can be controlled manually, or with context managers.

with ustore.Transaction(db) as txn:
    txn.main[42] = binary_string # Not the same as `db.main[42]`

You can configure teh transaction behavior with additional arguments.

txn = ustore.Transaction(db, begin=True, watch=True, flush_writes=False, snapshot=False)

Transactions that conflict with each other, will fail, raising an exception. For a more fine-grained control over snapshots and consistency of updates and reads - refer to this manual.

Batch Operations#

If you want to update or read multiple entries at once, you need to pack multiple keys and multiple values into a container. Most Python API, like Pandas, expect arguments to be Python lists. We support those, but recommend using tuple-s instead, as it minimizes the number of memory allocations and accelerates traversals. Following lines will produce identical behavior:

main_collection[[42, 43, 44]] = ['a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode()]
main_collection[(42, 43, 44)] = ('a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode())
main_collection[[42, 43, 44]] = ('a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode())
main_collection[(42, 43, 44)] = ['a'.encode(), 'b'.encode(), 'c'.encode()]

Aside from native Python classes, we also support NumPy Array. Best of all, we support PyArrow representations.

import pyarrow as pa
keys = pa.array([1000, 2000], type=pa.int64())
strings: pa.StringArray = pa.array(['some', 'text'])
main_collection[keys] = strings

If you are exchanging representations like this between UStore and any other runtime, we will entirely avoid copying data. This method is recommended for higher performance.

Converting Collections#

You can convert a collection handle into a structured binding:

main_collection.graph # for NetworkX-like feel # for `dict`-like values, that we map into JSONs
main_collection.table # for Pandas experience when working with docs
main_collection.vectors # for high-dimensional vector values and k-ANN
main_collection.paths # for string keys

Graphs: NetworkX#

With over 10’000 stars on GitHub NetworkX might just be the most popular network-science package across all languages. We adapt part of its interface for labeled directed graphs to preserve familiar look. But if NetworkX hardly scales beyond a thousand nodes, we aim to support persistent memory Graphs, that can span tens of Terabytes.

import numpy as np

# Let's build a random sparse graph:
g = db.main.graph
node_ids = np.arange(1_000_000)
source_ids = np.random.choice(node_ids, 10_000_000)
target_ids = np.random.choice(node_ids, 10_000_000)
g.add_edges_from(source_ids, target_ids)

# Let's export an adjacency matrix for a small subset of nodes:
subset_size = 1_000
subset_ids = np.random.choice(node_ids, subset_size)
adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((subset_size, subset_size), dtype=bool)
for i, subset_id in enumerate(subset_ids):
    neighbors_ids = g[subset_id]
    for j, subset_id in enumerate(subset_ids):
        adjacency_matrix[i, j] = subset_id in neighbors_ids

This allows you to very large graphs in parts, that fit into memory. Need vertex degrees to compute the normalized Laplacian?

normalizer = np.diag(np.power(adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=0), -0.5))
laplacian_matrix = np.identity(subset_size) - normalizer @ adjacency_matrix @ normalizer

Want to Page-Rank?

d = 0.85
tolerance = 1e-2
max_iterations = 100
weight = adjacency_matrix / adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=0)
page_rank = np.ones(subset_size).reshape(subset_size, 1) * 1. / subset_size

for _ in range(max_iterations):
    old_page_rank = page_rank[:]
    page_rank = d * weight @ page_rank + (1 - d) / subset_size
    shift = np.absolute(page_rank - old_page_rank).sum()
    if shift < tolerance:

Want to build a Knowledge Graph using a 1000 “worker” processes reasoning on the same graph representation, computing different metrics and performing updates? You can’t do that in NetworkX, but you can in UStore!

import ustore.flight_client as remote

db = remote.DataBase('remote.server.ip.address:38709')
controversial_articles_category: int = ...
is_controversial = lambda text: 'scandal' in text

with ustore.Transaction(db) as txn:
    descriptions_collection = txn['descriptions']
    articles_ids = descriptions_collection.sample(100)
    articles = descriptions_collection[articles_ids]
    controversial_ids = [article_id for article_id, article in zip(articles_ids, articles) if is_controversial(article)]

    g = txn['categories'].graph
    g.add_edges_from(controversial_ids, [controversial_articles_category] * len(controversial_ids))

We also support Attributed Graphs. You only need to specify the names of document collections, where the attributes will be stored or pulled from:

g = ustore.Network(db, 'graph', 'node_attributes', 'edge_attributes')
source_ids = np.arange(100)
target_ids = np.arange(1, 101)
edge_ids = np.arange(100)
g.add_edges_from(source_ids, target_ids, edge_ids, weight=2)
    [100, 1, 2, 0],
) == [(100, 2), (1, 4), (2, 4), (0, 2)]

Primary functions:

  • .order(), .number_of_nodes(), len: to estimate size.

  • .nodes(), .has_node(), in, nbunch_iter(): to work with nodes.

  • .edges(), .in_edges(), .out_edges(): to iterate through edges.

  • .has_edge(), .get_edge_data(): to check for specific edges.

  • .degree[], .in_degree[], .out_degree[]: to get node degrees.

  • .__getitem__(), .successors(), .predecessors(): to traverse the graph.

  • .add_edge(), .add_edges_from(): to add edges.

  • .remove_edge(), .remove_edges_from(): to remove edges.

  • .clear_edges(), .clear(): to clear the graph.

Our next milestones for Graphs are:

  • attributes in vertices and edges,

  • easier subgraph extraction methods: .subgraph(), .edge_subgraph(),

  • imports and exports from files: .write_adjlist(),

  • integrating CuGraph for GPU acceleration.

Tables: Pandas#

The original Pandas interface has over a hundred functions. We don’t yet support the full range, but the implemented ones include:

  • [] to select a subset of columns.

  • .loc[] to select a subset or a subrange of rows.

  • .head() to take the first few rows.

  • .tail() to take the last few rows.

  • .update() to in-place join another table.

Once you have selected your range:

  • .astype(): to cast the contents.

  • .df to materialize the view.

  • .to_arrow(): to export into Arrow Table.

From there, its a piece of cake. Pass it to Pandas, Modin, Arrow, Spark, CuDF, Dask, Ray or any other package of your choosing. Let’s try those together to window-scan a flexible-schema collection, sampling some fields into PyArrow DataFrame:


We are now bridging UStore with CuDF for GPU acceleration.

Vectors: FAISS#

For k-Approximate Nearest Neighbors Search, we have separate class of collections, that look like FAISS, the most commonly used k-ANN library today. Using it is trivial:

import numpy as np
keys = np.mat()
vectors = np.mat()

main_collection.add(keys, vectors)
results = main_collection.query(keys[0])


For Machine Learning applications we provide DBMS-level samplers. This means, that your DataLoader doesn’t need to fetch all the data into memory, shuffle it and split into batches. We can prepare batches for you on the fly.

keys_batch = main_collection.sample(1_000)
values_batch = main_collection[keys_batch]

For Tabular ML it may look like this:

rows_batch = main_collection.sample(1_000)
values_batch =[['name', 'age']].loc[rows_batch]

For ML on Graphs it may look like this:

vertices_batch = main_collection.sample(1_000)
subgraphs_batch = [main_collection.subgraph(v).matrix() for v in vertices_batch]


A number of faster alternatives to PyBind11 exist. In the future bindings might be reimplemented with the slimmer NanoBind or natively as CPython modules. We are not considering Swig or Boost.Python.