API Reference#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022


using snapshots_list_t = ptr_range_gt<ustore_snapshot_t>#
using transaction_t = context_t#
namespace unum#
namespace ustore#


using snapshots_list_t = ptr_range_gt<ustore_snapshot_t>#
using transaction_t = context_t#
struct collections_list_t#
#include <db.hpp>
class context_t : public std::enable_shared_from_this<context_t>#
#include <db.hpp>

A DBMS client for a single thread.

May be used not only as a consistency warrant, but also a performance optimization, as batched writes will be stored in a DB-optimal way until being commited, which reduces the preprocessing overhead for DB.

Public Functions

inline context_t() noexcept#
inline context_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr, ustore_snapshot_t snap = {}) noexcept#
inline context_t(context_t const&) = delete#
inline context_t(context_t &&other) noexcept#
inline context_t &operator=(context_t &&other) noexcept#
inline ~context_t() noexcept#
inline ustore_database_t db() const noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() const noexcept#
inline ustore_snapshot_t snap() const noexcept#
inline operator ustore_transaction_t() const noexcept#
inline void set_snapshot(ustore_snapshot_t snap) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> operator[](strided_range_gt<collection_key_t const> collections_and_keys) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> operator[](strided_range_gt<collection_key_field_t const> collections_and_keys) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> operator[](keys_view_t keys) noexcept#
template<typename keys_arg_at>
inline blobs_ref_gt<keys_arg_at> operator[](keys_arg_at &&keys) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<blobs_collection_t> operator[](ustore_str_view_t name) noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline collection_at main() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<collections_list_t> collections() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<snapshots_list_t> snapshots() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<bool> contains(std::string_view name) noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline expected_gt<collection_at> find(std::string_view name = {}) noexcept#

Provides a view of a single collection synchronized with the transaction.

Template Parameters:

collection_at – Can be a blobs_collection_t, docs_collection_t, graph_collection_t.

inline status_t reset() noexcept#

Clears the stare of transaction, preserving the underlying memory, cleaning it, and labeling it with a new “sequence number” or “generation”.


snapshot – Controls whether a consistent view of the entirety of DB must be created for this transaction. Is required for long-running analytical tasks with strong consistency requirements.

inline status_t commit(bool flush = false) noexcept#

Attempts to commit all the updates to the DB. Fails if any single one of the updates fails.

inline expected_gt<ustore_sequence_number_t> sequenced_commit(bool flush = false) noexcept#
inline status_t export_to(ustore_str_view_t path) noexcept#

Exports the snapshot as a new database into the specified path.

Protected Attributes

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_snapshot_t snap_ = {}#
arena_t arena_ = {nullptr}#
class database_t : public std::enable_shared_from_this<database_t>#
#include <db.hpp>

DataBase is a “collection of named collections”, essentially a transactional map<string,map<id,string>>. Or in Python terms: dict[str,dict[int,str]].

Public Functions

database_t() = default#
database_t(database_t const&) = delete#
inline database_t(database_t &&other) noexcept#
inline operator ustore_database_t() const noexcept#
inline status_t open(ustore_str_view_t config = nullptr) noexcept#
inline void close() noexcept#
inline ~database_t() noexcept#
inline bool supports_named_collections()#
inline bool supports_transactions()#
inline bool supports_snapshots()#
inline expected_gt<context_t> transact() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<context_t> snapshot() noexcept#
inline status_t drop_snapshot(ustore_snapshot_t id) noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline collection_at main() noexcept#
inline operator blobs_collection_t() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<blobs_collection_t> operator[](ustore_str_view_t name) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<bool> contains(std::string_view name) noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline expected_gt<collection_at> create(ustore_str_view_t name, ustore_str_view_t config = "") noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline expected_gt<collection_at> find(std::string_view name = {}) noexcept#
template<typename collection_at = blobs_collection_t>
inline expected_gt<collection_at> find_or_create(ustore_str_view_t name) noexcept#
inline status_t drop(std::string_view name) noexcept#
inline status_t clear() noexcept#

Private Functions

inline ustore_metadata_t get_metadata()#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = nullptr#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
class blobs_collection_t#
#include <blobs_collection.hpp>

Collection is persistent associative container, essentially a transactional map<id,string>. Or in Python terms: dict[int,bytes].

Generally cheap to construct. Can address both collections “HEAD” state, as well as some “snapshot”/”transaction” view.

Public Functions

inline blobs_collection_t() noexcept#
inline blobs_collection_t(ustore_database_t db_ptr, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr, ustore_snapshot_t snap = {}, ustore_arena_t *arena = nullptr) noexcept#
inline blobs_collection_t(blobs_collection_t &&other) noexcept#
inline blobs_collection_t &operator=(blobs_collection_t &&other) noexcept#
inline blobs_collection_t(blobs_collection_t const &other) noexcept#
inline blobs_collection_t &operator=(blobs_collection_t const &other) noexcept#
inline operator ustore_collection_t() const noexcept#
inline ustore_collection_t *member_ptr() noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *member_arena() noexcept#
inline ustore_database_t db() const noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() const noexcept#
inline ustore_snapshot_t snap() const noexcept#
inline blobs_range_t members(ustore_key_t min_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min(), ustore_key_t max_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::max()) const noexcept#
inline keys_range_t keys(ustore_key_t min_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min(), ustore_key_t max_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::max()) const noexcept#
inline pairs_range_t items(ustore_key_t min_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min(), ustore_key_t max_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::max()) const noexcept#
inline expected_gt<size_range_t> size_range() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept(false)#
inline pairs_stream_t begin() const noexcept(false)#
inline pairs_stream_t end() const noexcept(false)#
inline status_t clear_values() noexcept#
inline status_t clear() noexcept#
inline status_t drop() noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> operator[](std::initializer_list<ustore_key_t> keys) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> at(std::initializer_list<ustore_key_t> keys) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> operator[](keys_view_t keys) noexcept#
inline blobs_ref_gt<places_arg_t> at(keys_view_t keys) noexcept#
template<typename keys_arg_at>
inline auto operator[](keys_arg_at &&keys) noexcept#
template<typename keys_arg_at>
inline auto at(keys_arg_at &&keys) noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_collection_t collection_ = {ustore_collection_main_k}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_snapshot_t snap_ = {}#
any_arena_t arena_ = {nullptr}#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
struct keys_join_stream_t#
#include <blobs_join.hpp>

Implements multi-way set intersection to join entities from different collections, that have matching identifiers.

Implementation-wise, scans the smallest collection and batch-selects in others.

Public Members

ustore_database_t db = {nullptr}#
ustore_transaction_t txn = {nullptr}#
ustore_arena_t *arena = {nullptr}#
strided_range_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections#
ustore_key_t next_min_key_ = {0}#
ustore_size_t window_size_ = {0}#
strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t*> fetched_keys_#
strided_range_gt<ustore_length_t> fetched_lengths#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
class keys_stream_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Iterator (almost) over the keys in a single collection.

Manages it’s own memory and may be expressive to construct. Prefer to seek, instead of re-creating such a stream. Unlike classical iterators, keeps an internal state, which makes it non copy-constructible!

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = ustore_key_t#
using pointer = ustore_key_t*#
using reference = ustore_key_t&#

Public Functions

inline keys_stream_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, std::size_t read_ahead = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr) noexcept#
keys_stream_t(keys_stream_t&&) = default#
keys_stream_t &operator=(keys_stream_t&&) = default#
keys_stream_t(keys_stream_t const&) = delete#
keys_stream_t &operator=(keys_stream_t const&) = delete#
inline status_t seek(ustore_key_t key) noexcept#
inline status_t advance() noexcept#
inline keys_stream_t &operator++() noexcept#

! Unlike the advance(), canonically returns a self-reference, ! meaning that the error must be propagated in a different way. ! So we promote this iterator to end(), once an error occurs.

inline ustore_key_t key() const noexcept#
inline ustore_key_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_first() noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_next_batch() noexcept#
inline ptr_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys_batch() noexcept#

Exposes all the fetched keys at once, including the passed ones. Should be used with seek_to_next_batch. Next advance will do the same.

inline bool is_end() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(keys_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(keys_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t default_read_ahead_k = 256#

Private Functions

inline status_t prefetch() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_collection_t collection_ = {ustore_collection_main_k}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
arena_t arena_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t read_ahead_ = {0}#
ustore_key_t next_min_key_ = {std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min()}#
ptr_range_gt<ustore_key_t> fetched_keys_ = {}#
std::size_t fetched_offset_ = {0}#
class pairs_stream_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = std::pair<ustore_key_t, value_view_t>#

Public Functions

inline pairs_stream_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, std::size_t read_ahead = pairs_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr) noexcept#
pairs_stream_t(pairs_stream_t&&) = default#
pairs_stream_t &operator=(pairs_stream_t&&) = default#
pairs_stream_t(pairs_stream_t const&) = delete#
pairs_stream_t &operator=(pairs_stream_t const&) = delete#
inline status_t seek(ustore_key_t key) noexcept#
inline status_t advance() noexcept#
inline pairs_stream_t &operator++() noexcept#

! Unlike the advance(), canonically returns a self-reference, ! meaning that the error must be propagated in a different way. ! So we promote this iterator to end(), once an error occurs.

inline ustore_key_t key() const noexcept#
inline value_view_t value() const noexcept#
inline value_type item() const noexcept#
inline value_type operator*() const noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_first() noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_next_batch() noexcept#
inline ptr_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys_batch() noexcept#

Exposes all the fetched keys at once, including the passed ones. Should be used with seek_to_next_batch. Next advance will do the same.

inline bool is_end() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(pairs_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(pairs_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t default_read_ahead_k = 256#

Private Functions

inline status_t prefetch() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_collection_t collection_ = {ustore_collection_main_k}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
arena_t arena_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t read_ahead_ = {0}#
ustore_key_t next_min_key_ = {std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min()}#
ptr_range_gt<ustore_key_t> fetched_keys_ = {}#
joined_blobs_t values_view_ = {}#
joined_blobs_iterator_t values_iterator_ = {}#
std::size_t fetched_offset_ = {0}#
struct size_range_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t min = 0#
std::size_t max = 0#
struct size_estimates_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Public Members

size_range_t cardinality#
size_range_t bytes_in_values#
size_range_t bytes_on_disk#
class blobs_range_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Slice of keys or key-value-pairs stored in a single collection. In Python terms: dict().items() or dict().keys(). Supports C++ range-based loops: for (auto key : @b collection.items()) It can also be use for loose cardinality and disk-usage estimates.

Public Functions

inline blobs_range_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr, ustore_snapshot_t snap = 0, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, ustore_key_t min_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::min(), ustore_key_t max_key = std::numeric_limits<ustore_key_t>::max()) noexcept#
blobs_range_t(blobs_range_t&&) = default#
blobs_range_t &operator=(blobs_range_t&&) = default#
blobs_range_t(blobs_range_t const&) = default#
blobs_range_t &operator=(blobs_range_t const&) = default#
inline ustore_database_t db() const noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() const noexcept#
inline ustore_snapshot_t snap() const noexcept#
inline ustore_collection_t collection() const noexcept#
inline expected_gt<keys_stream_t> keys_begin(std::size_t read_ahead = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<keys_stream_t> keys_end() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<pairs_stream_t> pairs_begin(std::size_t read_ahead = pairs_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<pairs_stream_t> pairs_end() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<size_estimates_t> size_estimates() noexcept#
inline blobs_range_t &since(ustore_key_t min_key) noexcept#
inline blobs_range_t &until(ustore_key_t max_key) noexcept#
inline ustore_key_t min_key() noexcept#
inline ustore_key_t max_key() noexcept#

Private Functions

template<typename stream_at>
inline expected_gt<stream_at> make_stream(ustore_key_t target, std::size_t read_ahead = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k) noexcept#
struct keys_range_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Public Types

using iterator_type = keys_stream_t#
using sample_t = ptr_range_gt<ustore_key_t>#

Public Functions

inline keys_stream_t begin() noexcept(false)#
inline keys_stream_t end() noexcept(false)#
inline std::size_t size() noexcept(false)#
inline expected_gt<sample_t> sample(std::size_t count, ustore_arena_t *arena) noexcept#

Public Members

blobs_range_t members#
struct pairs_range_t#
#include <blobs_range.hpp>

Public Types

using iterator_type = pairs_stream_t#

Public Functions

inline pairs_stream_t begin() noexcept(false)#
inline pairs_stream_t end() noexcept(false)#
inline std::size_t size() noexcept(false)#

Public Members

blobs_range_t members#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
template<typename locations_at>
class blobs_ref_gt#
#include <blobs_ref.hpp>

A proxy object, that allows both lookups and writes with [] and assignment operators for a batch of keys simultaneously.

Following assignment combinations are possible:

  • one value to many keys

  • many values to many keys

  • one value to one key The only impossible combination is assigning many values to one key.

Template Parameters:

locations_at – Type describing the address of a value in DBMS.

  • (ustore_collection_t?, ustore_key_t, ustore_field_t?): Single KV-pair location.

  • (ustore_collection_t*, ustore_key_t*, ustore_field_t*): Externally owned range of keys.

  • (ustore_collection_t[x], ustore_key_t[x], ustore_field_t[x]): On-stack array of addresses.

Public Types

using locations_store_t = location_store_gt<locations_at>#
using locations_plain_t = typename locations_store_t::plain_t#
using keys_extractor_t = places_arg_extractor_gt<locations_plain_t>#
using value_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, value_view_t, embedded_blobs_t>#
using present_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, bool, bits_span_t>#
using length_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, ustore_length_t, ptr_range_gt<ustore_length_t>>#

Public Functions

inline blobs_ref_gt(ustore_database_t db, ustore_transaction_t txn, ustore_snapshot_t snap, locations_at &&locations, ustore_arena_t *arena) noexcept#
blobs_ref_gt(blobs_ref_gt&&) = default#
blobs_ref_gt &operator=(blobs_ref_gt&&) = default#
blobs_ref_gt(blobs_ref_gt const&) = default#
blobs_ref_gt &operator=(blobs_ref_gt const&) = default#
inline blobs_ref_gt &on(arena_t &arena) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<value_t> value(bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline operator expected_gt<value_t>() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<length_t> length(bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<present_t> present(bool watch = true) noexcept#

Checks if requested keys are present in the store. ! Related values may be empty strings.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t assign(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#

Pair-wise assigns values to keys located in this proxy objects.

  • vals – values to be assigned.

  • flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

inline status_t erase(bool flush = false) noexcept#

Removes both the keys and the associated values.


flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

inline status_t clear(bool flush = false) noexcept#

Keeps the keys, but clears the contents of associated values.


flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline blobs_ref_gt &operator=(contents_arg_at &&vals) noexcept(false)#
inline blobs_ref_gt &operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept(false)#
inline locations_plain_t &locations() noexcept#
inline locations_plain_t &locations() const noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_one_k = keys_extractor_t::is_one_k#

Protected Functions

template<typename contents_arg_at>
status_t any_assign(contents_arg_at&&, ustore_options_t) noexcept#
template<typename expected_at = value_t>
expected_gt<expected_at> any_get(ustore_options_t) noexcept#
template<typename expected_at, typename contents_arg_at>
expected_gt<expected_at> any_gather(contents_arg_at&&, ustore_options_t) noexcept#

Protected Attributes

ustore_database_t db_ = {}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {}#
ustore_snapshot_t snap_ = {}#
ustore_arena_t *arena_ = {}#
locations_store_t locations_ = {}#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
class null_context_t#
#include <context.hpp>

Abstraction over ustore_database_t, ustore_transaction_t and ustore_arena_t, needed for default-construction.

class borrowed_transactional_context_t#
#include <context.hpp>

Allows transactional operations on memory managed by someone else. Won’t allow adding or removing collections or bulk-removing all entries.

Public Functions

inline ustore_database_t db() noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *arena() noexcept#
inline borrowed_transactional_context_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_transaction_t txn, ustore_arena_t *arena) noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_arena_t *arena_ = {nullptr}#
class owned_transactional_context_t#
#include <context.hpp>

Allows transactional operations on the memory owned by this context. Won’t allow adding or removing collections or bulk-removing all entries.

Public Functions

inline ustore_database_t db() noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *arena() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_transaction_t txn_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_arena_t arena_ = {nullptr}#
class owned_context_t#
#include <context.hpp>

Allows any operations without any “transactional compositing” on the memory owned by this context. Mostly used for testing, addition and removal of collections and bulk entry removals.

Public Functions

inline ustore_database_t db() noexcept#
inline ustore_transaction_t txn() noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *arena() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = nullptr#
ustore_arena_t arena_ = nullptr#



Ashot Vardanian


26 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
template<typename locations_at>
class docs_ref_gt#
#include <docs_ref.hpp>

A proxy object, that allows both lookups and writes with [] and assignment operators for a batch of keys and sub-keys/fields across different documents. Following assignment combinations are possible:

  • one value to many keys

  • many values to many keys

  • one value to one key The only impossible combination is assigning many values to one key.

Template Parameters:

locations_at – Type describing the address of a value in DBMS.

  • (ustore_collection_t?, ustore_key_t, ustore_field_t?): Single KV-pair location.

  • (ustore_collection_t*, ustore_key_t*, ustore_field_t*): Externally owned range of keys.

  • (ustore_collection_t[x], ustore_key_t[x], ustore_field_t[x]): On-stack array of addresses.

Public Types

using locations_store_t = location_store_gt<locations_at>#
using locations_plain_t = typename locations_store_t::plain_t#
using keys_extractor_t = places_arg_extractor_gt<locations_plain_t>#
using value_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, value_view_t, embedded_blobs_t>#
using present_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, bool, bits_span_t>#
using length_t = std::conditional_t<is_one_k, ustore_length_t, ptr_range_gt<ustore_length_t>>#

Public Functions

inline docs_ref_gt(ustore_database_t db, ustore_transaction_t txn, ustore_snapshot_t snap, locations_at &&locations, ustore_arena_t *arena, ustore_doc_field_type_t type = ustore_doc_field_default_k) noexcept#
docs_ref_gt(docs_ref_gt&&) = default#
docs_ref_gt &operator=(docs_ref_gt&&) = default#
docs_ref_gt(docs_ref_gt const&) = default#
docs_ref_gt &operator=(docs_ref_gt const&) = default#
inline docs_ref_gt &on(arena_t &arena) noexcept#
inline docs_ref_gt &as(ustore_doc_field_type_t type) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<value_t> value(bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<value_t> value(ustore_doc_field_type_t type, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline operator expected_gt<value_t>() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<length_t> length(bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<present_t> present(bool watch = true) noexcept#

Checks if requested keys are present in the store. ! Related values may be empty strings.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t assign(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#

Pair-wise assigns values to keys located in this proxy objects.

  • vals – Values to be assigned.

  • flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t assign(contents_arg_at &&vals, ustore_doc_field_type_t type, bool flush = false) noexcept#
inline status_t erase(bool flush = false) noexcept#

Removes both the keys and the associated values.


flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

inline status_t clear(bool flush = false) noexcept#

Keeps the keys, but clears the contents of associated values.


flush – Pass true, if you need the data to be persisted before returning.


status_t Non-NULL if only an error had occurred.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline docs_ref_gt &operator=(contents_arg_at &&vals) noexcept(false)#
inline docs_ref_gt &operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept(false)#
inline locations_plain_t &locations() noexcept#
inline locations_plain_t &locations() const noexcept#
template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t patch(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#

Patches hierarchical documents with RFC 6902 JSON Patches.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t merge(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#

Patches hierarchical documents with RFC 7386 JSON Merge Patches.

template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t insert(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#
template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t upsert(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#
template<typename contents_arg_at>
inline status_t update(contents_arg_at &&vals, bool flush = false) noexcept#
expected_gt<joined_strs_t> gist(bool watch = true) noexcept#

Find the names of all unique fields in requested documents.

inline expected_gt<docs_table_t> gather(table_header_t const &header, bool watch = true) noexcept#

For N documents and M fields gather (N * M) responses. You put in a table_layout_view_gt and you receive a . Any column type annotation is optional.

inline expected_gt<docs_table_t> gather(table_header_view_t const &header, bool watch = true) noexcept#
template<typename ...column_types_at>
inline expected_gt<docs_table_gt<column_types_at...>> gather(table_header_gt<column_types_at...> const &header, bool watch = true) noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_one_k = keys_extractor_t::is_one_k#

Protected Functions

template<typename contents_arg_at>
status_t any_write(contents_arg_at&&, ustore_doc_modification_t, ustore_doc_field_type_t, ustore_options_t) noexcept#
template<typename expected_at = value_t>
expected_gt<expected_at> any_get(ustore_doc_field_type_t, ustore_options_t) noexcept#
template<typename expected_at, typename layout_at>
expected_gt<expected_at> any_gather(layout_at&&, ustore_options_t) noexcept#

Protected Attributes

ustore_database_t db_ = nullptr#
ustore_transaction_t transaction_ = nullptr#
ustore_snapshot_t snapshot_ = {}#
ustore_arena_t *arena_ = nullptr#
locations_store_t locations_#
ustore_doc_field_type_t type_ = ustore_doc_field_default_k#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


template<typename element_at>
using column_view_gt = std::conditional_t<is_variable_length<element_at>(), column_view_varlen_gt<element_at>, column_view_scalar_gt<element_at>>#
using docs_table_t = docs_table_gt<std::monostate>#
using field_type_t = field_type_gt<std::monostate>#
using table_header_t = table_header_gt<std::monostate>#


template<typename element_at>
constexpr bool is_variable_length()#
inline table_header_gt table_header()#
struct field_type_gt<std::monostate>#
#include <docs_table.hpp>
struct table_header_gt<std::monostate>#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Combination of index column and header row, defining the order of dynamically-typed contents in the table.

Public Functions

inline void clear() noexcept#
inline table_header_view_t view() const noexcept#
inline operator table_header_view_t() const noexcept#
template<typename element_at>
inline table_header_gt &with(ustore_str_view_t name) &#
inline table_header_gt &with(ustore_str_view_t name, ustore_doc_field_type_t type) &#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types() const noexcept#

Public Members

std::vector<field_type_t> columns#
namespace unum
namespace ustore


template<typename element_at>
using column_view_gt = std::conditional_t<is_variable_length<element_at>(), column_view_varlen_gt<element_at>, column_view_scalar_gt<element_at>>#
using docs_table_t = docs_table_gt<std::monostate>#
using field_type_t = field_type_gt<std::monostate>#
using table_header_t = table_header_gt<std::monostate>#


template<typename element_at>
constexpr bool is_variable_length()#
inline table_header_gt table_header()#
template<typename element_at>
struct cell_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Members

bool valid = {false}#
bool converted = {false}#
bool collides = {false}#
element_at value#
template<typename element_at>
struct field_type_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>
template<typename element_at>
class column_view_varlen_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Types

using cell_t = cell_gt<element_at>#
using value_type = cell_t#

Public Functions

inline column_view_varlen_gt(ustore_octet_t *validities, ustore_octet_t *conversions, ustore_octet_t *collisions, ustore_byte_t *tape, ustore_length_t *offsets, ustore_length_t *lengths, ustore_size_t count, ustore_str_view_t name = nullptr) noexcept#
column_view_varlen_gt(column_view_varlen_gt&&) = default#
column_view_varlen_gt(column_view_varlen_gt const&) = default#
column_view_varlen_gt &operator=(column_view_varlen_gt&&) = default#
column_view_varlen_gt &operator=(column_view_varlen_gt const&) = default#
inline ustore_str_view_t name() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline cell_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_octet_t *validities_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *conversions_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *collisions_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_byte_t *tape_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *lengths_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
ustore_str_view_t name_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename element_at>
class column_view_scalar_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Types

using scalar_t = element_at#
using cell_t = cell_gt<scalar_t>#
using value_type = cell_t#

Public Functions

inline column_view_scalar_gt(ustore_octet_t *validities, ustore_octet_t *conversions, ustore_octet_t *collisions, scalar_t *scalars, ustore_size_t count, ustore_str_view_t name = nullptr) noexcept#
column_view_scalar_gt(column_view_scalar_gt&&) = default#
column_view_scalar_gt(column_view_scalar_gt const&) = default#
column_view_scalar_gt &operator=(column_view_scalar_gt&&) = default#
column_view_scalar_gt &operator=(column_view_scalar_gt const&) = default#
inline ustore_str_view_t name() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline cell_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_octet_t *validities_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *conversions_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *collisions_ = {nullptr}#
element_at *scalars_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
ustore_str_view_t name_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename ...column_types_at>
class docs_table_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>
Template Parameters:

column_types_at – Optional type-annotation for columns.

Public Functions

inline docs_table_gt(ustore_size_t docs_count, ustore_size_t fields_count, strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections, strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys, strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields, strided_iterator_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types, ustore_octet_t **columns_validities = nullptr, ustore_octet_t **columns_conversions = nullptr, ustore_octet_t **columns_collisions = nullptr, ustore_byte_t **columns_scalars = nullptr, ustore_length_t **columns_offsets = nullptr, ustore_length_t **columns_lengths = nullptr, ustore_byte_t *tape = nullptr) noexcept#
docs_table_gt(docs_table_gt&&) = default#
docs_table_gt(docs_table_gt const&) = default#
docs_table_gt &operator=(docs_table_gt&&) = default#
docs_table_gt &operator=(docs_table_gt const&) = default#
inline table_index_view_t index() const noexcept#
inline table_header_view_t header() const noexcept#
template<typename element_at = std::monostate>
inline auto column(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
template<std::size_t idx_ak>
inline column_at_gt<idx_ak> column() const noexcept#
inline row_tuple_t row(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t rows() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t collections() const noexcept#
inline ustore_octet_t ***member_validities() noexcept#
inline ustore_octet_t ***member_conversions() noexcept#
inline ustore_octet_t ***member_collisions() noexcept#
inline ustore_byte_t ***member_scalars() noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t ***member_offsets() noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t ***member_lengths() noexcept#
inline ustore_byte_t **member_tape() noexcept#

Private Types

using empty_tuple_t = std::tuple<std::monostate>#
using types_tuple_t = std::tuple<column_types_at...>#
using row_tuple_t = std::tuple<cell_gt<column_types_at>...>#
template<std::size_t idx_ak>
using column_at_gt = std::conditional_t<is_dynamic_k, column_view_t, column_view_gt<std::tuple_element_t<idx_ak, types_tuple_t>>>#

Private Members

ustore_size_t docs_count_#
ustore_size_t fields_count_#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys_#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields_#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types_#
ustore_octet_t **columns_validities_ = nullptr#
ustore_octet_t **columns_conversions_ = nullptr#
ustore_octet_t **columns_collisions_ = nullptr#
ustore_byte_t **columns_scalars_ = nullptr#
ustore_length_t **columns_offsets_ = nullptr#
ustore_length_t **columns_lengths_ = nullptr#
ustore_byte_t *tape_ = nullptr#

Private Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_dynamic_k = std::is_same_v<empty_tuple_t, types_tuple_t>#
template<typename ...column_types_at>
struct table_header_gt#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Combination of index column and header row, defining the order of statically-typed contents in the table.

Public Types

using types_tuple_t = std::tuple<column_types_at...>#
using columns_t = std::array<field_type_t, collections_count_k>#

Public Functions

template<typename element_at>
inline table_header_gt<column_types_at..., element_at> with(ustore_str_view_t name) &&#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types() const noexcept#

Public Members

columns_t columns#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t collections_count_k = std::tuple_size_v<types_tuple_t>#
struct table_index_view_t#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

The first column of the table, describing its contents.

Public Functions

inline strided_range_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys_begin#
std::size_t count = {0}#
struct table_header_view_t#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types_begin#
std::size_t count = {0}#
struct cell_gt<value_view_t>#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Members

bool valid = {false}#
bool converted = {false}#
bool collides = {false}#
value_view_t value#
class column_view_t#
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Public Functions

inline column_view_t(ustore_octet_t *validities, ustore_octet_t *conversions, ustore_octet_t *collisions, ustore_byte_t *scalars, ustore_byte_t *tape, ustore_length_t *offsets, ustore_length_t *lengths, ustore_size_t count, ustore_str_view_t name = nullptr, ustore_doc_field_type_t type = ustore_doc_field_json_k) noexcept#
column_view_t(column_view_t&&) = default#
column_view_t(column_view_t const&) = default#
column_view_t &operator=(column_view_t&&) = default#
column_view_t &operator=(column_view_t const&) = default#
inline ustore_str_view_t name() const noexcept#
inline ustore_doc_field_type_t type() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
template<typename element_at>
inline column_view_gt<element_at> as() const noexcept#
inline ustore_octet_t *validities() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t *offsets() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t *lengths() const noexcept#
inline ustore_byte_t *contents() const noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_octet_t *validities_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *conversions_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_octet_t *collisions_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_byte_t *scalars_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_byte_t *tape_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *lengths_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
ustore_str_view_t name_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_doc_field_type_t type_ = {ustore_doc_field_json_k}#
template<> monostate >
#include <docs_table.hpp>
template<> monostate >
#include <docs_table.hpp>

Combination of index column and header row, defining the order of dynamically-typed contents in the table.

Public Functions

inline void clear() noexcept#
inline table_header_view_t view() const noexcept#
inline operator table_header_view_t() const noexcept#
template<typename element_at>
inline table_header_gt &with(ustore_str_view_t name) &#
inline table_header_gt &with(ustore_str_view_t name, ustore_doc_field_type_t type) &#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<ustore_doc_field_type_t const> types() const noexcept#

Public Members

std::vector<field_type_t> columns#



Ashot Vardanian


30 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
class graph_collection_t#
#include <graph_collection.hpp>

Wraps relational/linking operations with cleaner type system. Controls mainly just the inverted index collection and keeps a local memory buffer (tape) for read operations, so isn’t thread-safe. You can have one such object in every working thread, even for the same graph collection. Supports updates/reads from within a transaction.

Public Types

using adjacency_range_t = range_gt<graph_stream_t>#

Public Functions

inline graph_collection_t() noexcept#
inline graph_collection_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr, ustore_snapshot_t snap = {}, ustore_arena_t *arena = nullptr) noexcept#
graph_collection_t(graph_collection_t&&) = default#
graph_collection_t &operator=(graph_collection_t&&) = default#
graph_collection_t(graph_collection_t const&) = delete#
graph_collection_t &operator=(graph_collection_t const&) = delete#
inline status_t upsert_vertices(strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> vertices) noexcept#
inline status_t upsert_edges(edges_view_t const &edges) noexcept#
inline status_t remove_vertices(strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> vertices, strided_range_gt<ustore_vertex_role_t const> roles = {}, bool flush = false) noexcept#
inline status_t remove_edges(edges_view_t const &edges) noexcept#
inline ustore_collection_t *member_ptr() noexcept#
inline status_t upsert_edge(edge_t const &edge) noexcept#
inline status_t remove_edge(edge_t const &edge) noexcept#
inline status_t upsert_vertex(ustore_key_t const vertex) noexcept#
template<typename key_arg_at>
inline status_t upsert_vertices(key_arg_at &&vertices) noexcept#
inline status_t remove_vertex(ustore_key_t const vertex, ustore_vertex_role_t const role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k, bool flush = false) noexcept#
template<typename key_arg_at>
inline status_t remove_vertices(key_arg_at &&vertices) noexcept#
inline status_t remove_edges() noexcept#
inline status_t clear() noexcept#
inline status_t remove() noexcept#
inline expected_gt<ustore_vertex_degree_t> degree(ustore_key_t vertex, ustore_vertex_role_t role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<ptr_range_gt<ustore_vertex_degree_t>> degrees(strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> vertices, strided_range_gt<ustore_vertex_role_t const> roles = {}, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<bool> contains(ustore_key_t vertex, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<bits_span_t> contains(strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> const &vertices, bool watch = true) noexcept#

Checks if certain vertices are present in the graph. They maybe disconnected from everything else.

inline expected_gt<keys_stream_t> vertex_stream(std::size_t vertices_read_ahead = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t number_of_vertices() noexcept(false)#
inline std::size_t number_of_edges() noexcept(false)#
inline expected_gt<adjacency_range_t> edges(ustore_vertex_role_t role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k, std::size_t vertices_read_ahead = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k) const noexcept#
inline expected_gt<edges_span_t> edges_containing(ustore_key_t vertex, ustore_vertex_role_t role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<edges_span_t> edges_between(ustore_key_t source, ustore_key_t target, bool watch = true) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<edges_span_t> edges_containing(strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const> vertices, strided_range_gt<ustore_vertex_role_t const> roles = {}, bool watch = true) noexcept#

Finds all the edges, that have any of the supplied nodes in allowed roles. In undirected graphs, some edges may come with inverse duplicates.

inline expected_gt<strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t>> successors(ustore_key_t vertex) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t>> predecessors(ustore_key_t vertex) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t>> neighbors(ustore_key_t vertex, ustore_vertex_role_t role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k) noexcept#
status_t export_adjacency_list(std::string const &path, std::string_view column_separator, std::string_view line_delimiter)#
status_t import_adjacency_list(std::string const &path, std::string_view column_separator, std::string_view line_delimiter)#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = nullptr#
ustore_collection_t collection_ = ustore_collection_main_k#
ustore_transaction_t transaction_ = nullptr#
ustore_snapshot_t snapshot_ = {}#
any_arena_t arena_#



Ashot Vardanian


30 Jun 2022

namespace unum
namespace ustore
class graph_stream_t#
#include <graph_stream.hpp>

A stream of all edge_t's in a graph. No particular order is guaranteed.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = ustore_key_t#
using pointer = ustore_key_t*#
using reference = ustore_key_t&#

Public Functions

inline graph_stream_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_collection_t collection = ustore_collection_main_k, ustore_transaction_t txn = nullptr, ustore_snapshot_t snap = 0, std::size_t read_ahead_vertices = keys_stream_t::default_read_ahead_k, ustore_vertex_role_t role = ustore_vertex_role_any_k) noexcept#
graph_stream_t(graph_stream_t&&) = default#
graph_stream_t &operator=(graph_stream_t&&) = default#
graph_stream_t(graph_stream_t const&) = delete#
graph_stream_t &operator=(graph_stream_t const&) = delete#
inline status_t seek(ustore_key_t vertex_id) noexcept#
inline status_t advance() noexcept#
inline graph_stream_t &operator++() noexcept#

! Unlike the advance(), canonically returns a self-reference, ! meaning that the error must be propagated in a different way. ! So we promote this iterator to end(), once an error occurs.

inline edge_t edge() const noexcept#
inline edge_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_first() noexcept#
inline status_t seek_to_next_batch() noexcept#
inline edges_span_t edges_batch() noexcept#

Exposes all the fetched edges at once, including the passed ones. Should be used with seek_to_next_batch. Next advance will do the same.

inline bool is_end() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(graph_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(graph_stream_t const &other) const noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t default_read_ahead_k = 256#

Private Functions

inline status_t prefetch_gather() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_collection_t collection_ = {ustore_collection_main_k}#
ustore_transaction_t transaction_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_snapshot_t snapshot_ = {}#
ustore_vertex_role_t role_ = ustore_vertex_role_any_k#
edges_span_t fetched_edges_ = {}#
std::size_t fetched_offset_ = {0}#
arena_t arena_#
keys_stream_t vertex_stream_#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


using keys_view_t = strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const>#
using fields_view_t = strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const>#
using edges_span_t = edges_range_gt<ustore_key_t>#
using edges_view_t = edges_range_gt<ustore_key_t const>#


template<typename tuples_at>
auto edges(tuples_at &&tuples) noexcept#
inline bool same_collections_are_named(strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_begin) noexcept#
template<typename enum_at, typename allowed_mask_at>
inline bool enum_is_subset(enum_at enum_value, allowed_mask_at allowed) noexcept#
inline void validate_write(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, places_arg_t const &places, contents_arg_t const &contents, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_read(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, places_arg_t const &places, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_scan(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, scans_arg_t const &args, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_transaction_begin(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_transaction_commit(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
namespace unum
namespace ustore


using keys_view_t = strided_range_gt<ustore_key_t const>#
using fields_view_t = strided_range_gt<ustore_str_view_t const>#
using edges_span_t = edges_range_gt<ustore_key_t>#
using edges_view_t = edges_range_gt<ustore_key_t const>#


template<typename tuples_at>
auto edges(tuples_at &&tuples) noexcept#
inline bool same_collections_are_named(strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_begin) noexcept#
template<typename enum_at, typename allowed_mask_at>
inline bool enum_is_subset(enum_at enum_value, allowed_mask_at allowed) noexcept#
inline void validate_write(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, places_arg_t const &places, contents_arg_t const &contents, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_read(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, places_arg_t const &places, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_scan(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, scans_arg_t const &args, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_transaction_begin(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
inline void validate_transaction_commit(ustore_transaction_t const c_txn, ustore_options_t const c_options, ustore_error_t *c_error) noexcept#
struct place_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Public Functions

inline collection_key_t collection_key() const noexcept#
inline collection_key_field_t collection_key_field() const noexcept#

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection#
ustore_key_t const &key#
ustore_str_view_t field#
struct places_arg_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Working with batched data is ugly in C++. This handle doesn’t help in the general case, but at least allow reusing the arguments.

Public Types

using value_type = place_t#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline place_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool same_collection() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields_begin#
ustore_size_t count = {0}#
struct contents_arg_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Working with batched data is ugly in C++. This handle doesn’t help in the general case, but at least allow reusing the arguments.

Public Types

using value_type = value_view_t#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline value_view_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool is_arrow() const noexcept#
inline bool is_continuous() const noexcept#

Public Members

bits_view_t presences_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents_begin#
ustore_size_t count = {0}#
ustore_char_t separator = {'\0'}#
struct scan_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection#
ustore_key_t min_key#
ustore_length_t limit#
struct scans_arg_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Arguments of ustore_scan() aggregated into a Structure-of-Arrays. Is used to validate various combinations of arguments, strides, NULLs, etc.

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline scan_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool same_collection() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> start_keys#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> limits#
ustore_size_t count = 0#
struct sample_arg_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection#
ustore_length_t limit#
struct sample_args_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Arguments of ustore_sample aggregated into a Structure-of-Arrays. Is used to validate various combinations of arguments, strides, NULLs, etc.

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline sample_arg_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool same_collection() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> limits#
ustore_size_t count = 0#
struct find_edge_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection#
ustore_key_t const &vertex_id#
ustore_vertex_role_t role#
struct find_edges_t#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Working with batched data is ugly in C++. This handle doesn’t help in the general case, but at least allow reusing the arguments.

Public Types

using value_type = find_edge_t#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline find_edge_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool same_collection() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> vertex_id_begin#
strided_iterator_gt<ustore_vertex_role_t const> roles_begin#
ustore_size_t count = 0#
template<typename id_at>
struct edges_range_gt#
#include <ranges_args.hpp>

Public Types

using id_t = id_at#
using tuple_t = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<id_t>, edge_t const, edge_t>#

Public Functions

inline edges_range_gt() = default#
inline edges_range_gt(edges_range_gt&&) = default#
inline edges_range_gt(edges_range_gt const&) = default#
inline edges_range_gt &operator=(edges_range_gt&&) = default#
inline edges_range_gt &operator=(edges_range_gt const&) = default#
inline edges_range_gt(strided_range_gt<id_t> sources, strided_range_gt<id_t> targets, strided_range_gt<id_t> edges = {&ustore_default_edge_id_k, 1}) noexcept#
inline edges_range_gt(tuple_t *ptr, tuple_t *end) noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline edge_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline operator edges_range_gt<id_at const>() const noexcept#
inline edges_range_gt<id_at const> immutable() const noexcept#

Public Members

strided_range_gt<id_t> source_ids#
strided_range_gt<id_t> target_ids#
strided_range_gt<id_t> edge_ids#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


template<typename element_at>
using ptr_range_gt = indexed_range_gt<element_at*>#
using consecutive_strs_iterator_t = consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using consecutive_blobs_iterator_t = consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using joined_strs_iterator_t = joined_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using joined_blobs_iterator_t = joined_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using joined_strs_t = joined_chunks_gt<std::string_view>#
using joined_blobs_t = joined_chunks_gt<value_view_t>#
using embedded_strs_iterator_t = embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using embedded_blobs_iterator_t = embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using embedded_strs_t = embedded_chunks_gt<std::string_view>#
using embedded_blobs_t = embedded_chunks_gt<value_view_t>#


template<typename at, typename alloc_at = std::allocator<at>>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(std::vector<at, alloc_at> &vec) noexcept#
template<typename at, typename alloc_at = std::allocator<at>>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::vector<at, alloc_at> const &vec) noexcept#
template<typename at, std::size_t count_ak>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(at (&c_array)[count_ak]) noexcept#
template<typename at, std::size_t count_ak>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::array<at, count_ak> const &array) noexcept#
template<typename at>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::initializer_list<at> list) noexcept#
template<typename at>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(at *begin, at *end) noexcept#
template<typename element_at, typename iterator_at, typename transform_at = identity_t>
element_at transform_reduce_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, element_at init, transform_at transform = {})#

Unlike the std::accumulate and std::transform_reduce takes an integer n instead of the end iterator. This helps with zero-strided iterators.

template<typename output_iterator_at, typename iterator_at, typename transform_at = identity_t>
void transform_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, output_iterator_at output, transform_at transform = {})#
template<typename element_at, typename iterator_at>
element_at reduce_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, element_at init)#
template<typename iterator_at>
bool all_ascending(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n)#
template<typename iterator_at>
std::size_t sort_and_deduplicate(iterator_at begin, iterator_at end)#
template<typename at>
std::size_t trivial_insert(at *begin, std::size_t old_length, std::size_t offset, at const *inserted_begin, at const *inserted_end)#
template<typename at>
std::size_t trivial_erase(at *begin, std::size_t old_length, std::size_t removed_offset, std::size_t removed_length)#
namespace unum
namespace ustore


template<typename element_at>
using ptr_range_gt = indexed_range_gt<element_at*>#
using consecutive_strs_iterator_t = consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using consecutive_blobs_iterator_t = consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using joined_strs_iterator_t = joined_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using joined_blobs_iterator_t = joined_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using joined_strs_t = joined_chunks_gt<std::string_view>#
using joined_blobs_t = joined_chunks_gt<value_view_t>#
using embedded_strs_iterator_t = embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<std::string_view>#
using embedded_blobs_iterator_t = embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<value_view_t>#
using embedded_strs_t = embedded_chunks_gt<std::string_view>#
using embedded_blobs_t = embedded_chunks_gt<value_view_t>#


template<typename at, typename alloc_at = std::allocator<at>>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(std::vector<at, alloc_at> &vec) noexcept#
template<typename at, typename alloc_at = std::allocator<at>>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::vector<at, alloc_at> const &vec) noexcept#
template<typename at, std::size_t count_ak>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(at (&c_array)[count_ak]) noexcept#
template<typename at, std::size_t count_ak>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::array<at, count_ak> const &array) noexcept#
template<typename at>
strided_range_gt<at const> strided_range(std::initializer_list<at> list) noexcept#
template<typename at>
strided_range_gt<at> strided_range(at *begin, at *end) noexcept#
template<typename element_at, typename iterator_at, typename transform_at = identity_t>
element_at transform_reduce_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, element_at init, transform_at transform = {})#

Unlike the std::accumulate and std::transform_reduce takes an integer n instead of the end iterator. This helps with zero-strided iterators.

template<typename output_iterator_at, typename iterator_at, typename transform_at = identity_t>
void transform_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, output_iterator_at output, transform_at transform = {})#
template<typename element_at, typename iterator_at>
element_at reduce_n(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n, element_at init)#
template<typename iterator_at>
bool all_ascending(iterator_at begin, std::size_t n)#
template<typename iterator_at>
std::size_t sort_and_deduplicate(iterator_at begin, iterator_at end)#
template<typename at>
std::size_t trivial_insert(at *begin, std::size_t old_length, std::size_t offset, at const *inserted_begin, at const *inserted_end)#
template<typename at>
std::size_t trivial_erase(at *begin, std::size_t old_length, std::size_t removed_offset, std::size_t removed_length)#
template<typename element_at>
class strided_iterator_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

A smart pointer type with customizable jump length for increments. In other words, it allows a strided data layout, common to HPC apps. Cool hint, you can use this to represent an infinite array of repeating values with stride equal to zero.

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = element_t#
using pointer = value_type*#
using reference = value_type&#

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt(element_t *raw = nullptr, ustore_size_t stride = 0) noexcept#
strided_iterator_gt(strided_iterator_gt&&) noexcept = default#
strided_iterator_gt(strided_iterator_gt const&) noexcept = default#
strided_iterator_gt &operator=(strided_iterator_gt&&) noexcept = default#
strided_iterator_gt &operator=(strided_iterator_gt const&) noexcept = default#
inline element_t &operator[](ustore_size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt &operator--() noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt operator++(int) const noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt operator--(int) const noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt operator+(std::ptrdiff_t n) const noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt operator-(std::ptrdiff_t n) const noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt &operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t n) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt &operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t n) noexcept#
inline std::ptrdiff_t operator-(strided_iterator_gt other) const noexcept#

! Calling this function with “stride” different from zero or ! non-zero sizeof(element_t) multiple will cause Undefined ! behavior.

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline bool repeats() const noexcept#
inline bool is_continuous() const noexcept#
inline ustore_size_t stride() const noexcept#
inline element_t &operator*() const noexcept#
inline element_t *operator->() const noexcept#
inline element_t *get() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator<(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator>(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator<=(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator>=(strided_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename member_at, typename parent_at = element_t>
inline auto members(member_at parent_at::* member_ptr) const noexcept#

Protected Functions

inline element_t *upshift(std::ptrdiff_t bytes) const noexcept#
inline element_t *downshift(std::ptrdiff_t bytes) const noexcept#

Protected Attributes

element_t *raw_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t stride_ = {0}#
class bits_span_t#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using element_t = ustore_octet_t#
using value_type = ustore_octet_t#
using reference = ref_t#

Public Functions

inline bits_span_t(element_t *begin = nullptr) noexcept#
bits_span_t(bits_span_t&&) noexcept = default#
bits_span_t(bits_span_t const&) noexcept = default#
bits_span_t &operator=(bits_span_t&&) noexcept = default#
bits_span_t &operator=(bits_span_t const&) noexcept = default#
inline ref_t at(std::size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline ref_t operator[](std::size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline element_t *get() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(bits_span_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(bits_span_t const &other) const noexcept#

Protected Attributes

element_t *begin_ = {nullptr}#
struct ref_t#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Functions

inline ref_t(ustore_octet_t &raw) noexcept#
inline ref_t(ustore_octet_t *raw, ustore_octet_t mask) noexcept#
inline operator bool() const noexcept#
inline ref_t &operator=(bool value) noexcept#

Public Members

ustore_octet_t *raw = nullptr#
ustore_octet_t mask = 0#
class bits_view_t#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using element_t = ustore_octet_t const#
using value_type = bool#
using reference = void#

Public Functions

inline bits_view_t(element_t *begin = nullptr) noexcept#
bits_view_t(bits_view_t&&) noexcept = default#
bits_view_t(bits_view_t const&) noexcept = default#
bits_view_t &operator=(bits_view_t&&) noexcept = default#
bits_view_t &operator=(bits_view_t const&) noexcept = default#
inline bool at(std::size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline bool operator[](std::size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline element_t *get() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(bits_view_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(bits_view_t const &other) const noexcept#

Protected Attributes

element_t *begin_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename element_at>
class strided_range_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using iterator_t = strided_iterator_gt<element_t>#
using value_type = typename iterator_t::value_type#
using reference = typename iterator_t::reference#

Public Functions

strided_range_gt() = default#
inline strided_range_gt(iterator_t begin, std::size_t count) noexcept#
strided_range_gt(strided_range_gt&&) = default#
strided_range_gt(strided_range_gt const&) = default#
strided_range_gt &operator=(strided_range_gt&&) = default#
strided_range_gt &operator=(strided_range_gt const&) = default#
inline element_t *data() const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) begin() const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) end() const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) at(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline auto immutable() const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt subspan(std::size_t offset, std::size_t count) const noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline ustore_size_t stride() const noexcept#
inline ustore_size_t count() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
template<typename member_at, typename parent_at = element_t>
inline auto members(member_at parent_at::* member_ptr) const noexcept#
inline bool same_elements() const noexcept#

Protected Attributes

iterator_t begin_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
template<typename pointer_at>
struct indexed_range_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Similar to std::optional<std::span>. It’s NULL state and “empty string” states are not identical. The NULL state generally reflects missing values.

Public Types

using pointer_t = pointer_at#
using element_t = std::remove_pointer_t<pointer_t>#
using strided_t = strided_range_gt<element_t>#
using value_type = element_t#
using reference = element_t&#

Public Functions

inline indexed_range_gt() noexcept#
inline indexed_range_gt(pointer_t begin, pointer_t end) noexcept#
inline indexed_range_gt(pointer_t ptr, std::size_t sz) noexcept#
inline pointer_t data() const noexcept#
inline pointer_t begin() const noexcept#
inline pointer_t end() const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) at(std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) at(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size_bytes() const noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline operator strided_t() const noexcept#
inline strided_t strided() const noexcept#
template<typename other_at>
inline indexed_range_gt<other_at> cast() const noexcept#
inline indexed_range_gt<byte_t const> span_bytes() const noexcept#

Public Members

pointer_t begin_ = {nullptr}#
pointer_t end_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename pointer_at>
struct range_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Functions

inline pointer_at const &begin() const & noexcept#
inline pointer_at const &end() const & noexcept#
inline pointer_at &&begin() && noexcept#
inline pointer_at &&end() && noexcept#

Public Members

pointer_at begin_ = {nullptr}#
pointer_at end_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename chunk_at>
class consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

A read-only iterator for values packed into a contiguous memory range. Doesn’t own underlying memory. Only needs element “lengths”, but can only be forward-iterated.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = chunk_t#
using pointer = void#
using reference = void#

Public Functions

consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt() = default#
template<typename same_size_at>
inline consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt(ustore_length_t const *lens, same_size_at *vals) noexcept#
inline consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt operator++(int) const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(consecutive_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#

Private Types

using chunk_t = chunk_at#
using element_t = typename chunk_t::value_type#

Private Members

ustore_length_t const *lengths_ = {nullptr}#
element_t *contents_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename chunk_at>
class joined_chunks_iterator_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

A read-only iterator for values packed into a contiguous memory range. Doesn’t own underlying memory. Relies on “offsets” to be in an Arrow-compatible form.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = chunk_t#
using pointer = void#
using reference = void#

Public Functions

joined_chunks_iterator_gt() = default#
template<typename same_size_at>
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt(ustore_length_t *offs, same_size_at *vals) noexcept#
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt operator++(int) const noexcept#
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt operator--(int) const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(joined_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(joined_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#

Private Types

using chunk_t = chunk_at#
using element_t = typename chunk_t::value_type#

Private Members

ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
element_t *contents_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename chunk_at>
class joined_chunks_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = chunk_t#

Public Functions

joined_chunks_gt() = default#
template<typename same_size_at>
inline joined_chunks_gt(ustore_size_t elements, ustore_length_t *offs, same_size_at *vals) noexcept#
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt<chunk_at> begin() const noexcept#
inline joined_chunks_iterator_gt<chunk_at> end() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t *offsets() const noexcept#
inline element_t *contents() const noexcept#

Private Types

using chunk_t = chunk_at#
using element_t = typename chunk_t::value_type#

Private Members

ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
element_t *contents_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename chunk_at>
class embedded_chunks_iterator_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

A read-only iterator for values packed into a contiguous memory range. Doesn’t own underlying memory.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = chunk_t#
using pointer = void#
using reference = void#

Public Functions

template<typename same_size_at>
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt(ustore_length_t *offs, ustore_length_t *lens, same_size_at *vals) noexcept#
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt operator++(int) const noexcept#
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt operator--(int) const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(embedded_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(embedded_chunks_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#

Private Types

using chunk_t = chunk_at#
using element_t = typename chunk_t::value_type#

Private Members

ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *lengths_ = {nullptr}#
element_t *contents_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename chunk_at>
class embedded_chunks_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = chunk_t#

Public Functions

embedded_chunks_gt() = default#
template<typename same_size_at>
inline embedded_chunks_gt(ustore_size_t elements, ustore_length_t *offs, ustore_length_t *lens, same_size_at *vals) noexcept#
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<chunk_at> begin() const noexcept#
inline embedded_chunks_iterator_gt<chunk_at> end() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline chunk_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t *offsets() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t *lengths() const noexcept#
inline element_t *contents() const noexcept#

Private Types

using chunk_t = chunk_at#
using element_t = typename chunk_t::value_type#

Private Members

ustore_size_t count_ = {0}#
ustore_length_t *offsets_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_length_t *lengths_ = {nullptr}#
element_t *contents_ = {nullptr}#
class strings_tape_iterator_t#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Iterates through a predetermined number of NULL-delimited strings joined one after another in continuous memory. Can be used for ustore_docs_gist() or ustore_collection_list().

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using value_type = std::string_view#
using pointer = ustore_char_t**#
using reference = std::string_view#

Public Functions

inline strings_tape_iterator_t(ustore_size_t remaining = 0, ustore_str_view_t current = nullptr)#
strings_tape_iterator_t(strings_tape_iterator_t&&) = default#
strings_tape_iterator_t &operator=(strings_tape_iterator_t&&) = default#
strings_tape_iterator_t(strings_tape_iterator_t const&) = default#
strings_tape_iterator_t &operator=(strings_tape_iterator_t const&) = default#
inline strings_tape_iterator_t &operator++() noexcept#
inline strings_tape_iterator_t operator++(int) noexcept#
inline ustore_str_view_t operator*() const noexcept#
inline bool is_end() const noexcept#
inline ustore_size_t size() const noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_size_t remaining_count_ = {0}#
ustore_str_view_t current_ = {nullptr}#
template<typename scalar_at>
class strided_matrix_gt#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#

Public Functions

strided_matrix_gt() = default#
inline strided_matrix_gt(scalar_t *begin, std::size_t rows, std::size_t columns, std::size_t bytes_between_rows, std::size_t column_stride = sizeof(scalar_t)) noexcept#
strided_matrix_gt(strided_matrix_gt&&) = default#
strided_matrix_gt(strided_matrix_gt const&) = default#
strided_matrix_gt &operator=(strided_matrix_gt&&) = default#
strided_matrix_gt &operator=(strided_matrix_gt const&) = default#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) noexcept#
inline decltype(auto) operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<scalar_t const> column(std::size_t j) const noexcept#
inline strided_range_gt<scalar_t const*> row(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t rows() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t columns() const noexcept#
inline scalar_t const *data() const noexcept#

Private Members

scalar_t *begin_ = {nullptr}#
ustore_size_t bytes_between_rows_ = {0}#
ustore_size_t bytes_between_columns_ = {0}#
ustore_size_t rows_ = {0}#
ustore_size_t columns_ = {0}#
struct identity_t#
#include <ranges.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename at>
inline at operator()(at x) const noexcept#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


template<typename locations_at>
constexpr bool is_one()#
template<typename at>
struct sfinae_is_range_gt<at, decltype(std::data(at{}), 0)> : public std::true_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at>
struct sfinae_has_collection_gt<at, decltype((void)at::collection, 0)> : public std::true_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at>
struct sfinae_has_field_gt<at, decltype((void)at::field, 0)> : public std::true_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at>
struct sfinae_member_extractor_gt<at, std::void_t<typename at::value_type>>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = typename at::value_type#
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<std::nullptr_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
template<typename allocator_at>
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at>>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const &many) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const&) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const &many) noexcept#
namespace unum
namespace ustore


template<typename locations_at>
constexpr bool is_one()#
template<typename at, typename = int>
struct sfinae_is_range_gt : public std::false_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at> data(at{}), 0)> : public std::true_type
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at>
struct sfinae_is_range_gt<strided_range_gt<at>> : public std::true_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at, typename = int>
struct sfinae_has_collection_gt : public std::false_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at> collection, 0)> : public std::true_type
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at, typename = int>
struct sfinae_has_field_gt : public std::false_type#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at> field, 0)> : public std::true_type
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at, typename = void>
struct sfinae_member_extractor_gt#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = at#
template<typename at> value_type > >
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = typename at::value_type#
template<typename at>
struct location_store_gt#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using plain_t = at#
using store_t = at#

Public Functions

location_store_gt() = default#
location_store_gt(location_store_gt&&) = default#
location_store_gt(location_store_gt const&) = default#
inline location_store_gt(plain_t location)#
inline plain_t &ref() noexcept#
inline plain_t const &ref() const noexcept#

Public Members

store_t store#
struct location_store_gt<int> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct location_store_gt<ustore_key_t> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct location_store_gt<collection_key_t> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct location_store_gt<int&> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct location_store_gt<ustore_key_t&> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct location_store_gt<collection_key_t&> : public unum::ustore::location_store_gt<collection_key_field_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at>
struct location_store_gt<at&>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using store_t = at*#
using plain_t = at#

Public Functions

location_store_gt() = default#
location_store_gt(location_store_gt&&) = default#
location_store_gt(location_store_gt const&) = default#
inline location_store_gt(plain_t &location) noexcept#
inline plain_t &ref() noexcept#
inline plain_t const &ref() const noexcept#

Public Members

store_t store = {nullptr}#
template<typename locations_without_collections_at>
struct locations_in_collection_gt#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct locations_in_collection_gt<int> : public unum::ustore::collection_key_field_t#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct locations_in_collection_gt<ustore_key_t> : public unum::ustore::collection_key_field_t#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at, typename = void>
struct places_arg_extractor_gt#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Subclassed by unum::ustore::places_arg_extractor_gt< at & >

Public Types

using location_t = at#
using element_t = typename sfinae_member_extractor_gt<location_t>::value_type#

Public Functions

inline ustore_size_t count(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields(location_t const &arg) noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_one_k = is_one<location_t>()#
static constexpr bool element_stores_collection_k = sfinae_has_collection_gt<element_t>::value#
static constexpr bool element_stores_field_k = sfinae_has_field_gt<element_t>::value#
struct places_arg_extractor_gt<places_arg_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using location_t = places_arg_t#

Public Functions

inline ustore_size_t count(places_arg_t const &native) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys(places_arg_t const &native) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections(places_arg_t const &native) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields(places_arg_t const &native) noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_one_k = false#
template<typename at>
struct places_arg_extractor_gt<locations_in_collection_gt<at>>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Types

using location_t = locations_in_collection_gt<at>#
using base_t = places_arg_extractor_gt<at>#

Public Functions

inline ustore_size_t count(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_key_t const> keys(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_collection_t const> collections(location_t const &arg) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_str_view_t const> fields(location_t const &arg) noexcept#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool is_one_k = places_arg_extractor_gt<at>::is_one_k#
template<typename at>
struct places_arg_extractor_gt<at&> : public unum::ustore::places_arg_extractor_gt<at>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
template<typename at, typename = void>
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt#
#include <sfinae.hpp>
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<char const**>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(char const **strings) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(char const**) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(char const**) noexcept#
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<char const*>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(char const *&one) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(char const*) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(char const*) noexcept#
template<size_t length_ak>
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<char const[length_ak]>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(char const *&one) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(char const*) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(char const*) noexcept#
template<size_t length_ak>
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<value_view_t[length_ak]>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(value_view_t *many) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(value_view_t*) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(value_view_t *many) noexcept#
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<value_view_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(value_view_t &one) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(value_view_t) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(value_view_t &one) noexcept#
struct contents_arg_extractor_gt<contents_arg_t>#
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(contents_arg_t native) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(contents_arg_t native) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(contents_arg_t native) noexcept#
template<> nullptr_t >
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(std::nullptr_t) noexcept#
template<typename allocator_at> vector< value_view_t, allocator_at > >
#include <sfinae.hpp>

Public Functions

inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_bytes_cptr_t const> contents(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const &many) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> offsets(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const&) noexcept#
inline strided_iterator_gt<ustore_length_t const> lengths(std::vector<value_view_t, allocator_at> const &many) noexcept#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


log_warning_m(format, ...)#
log_error_m(c_error, code, message)#
log_error_if_m(must_be_true, c_error, code, message)#
return_error_if_m(must_be_true, c_error, code, message)#
return_error_m(c_error, message)#


enum error_code_t#


enumerator success_k#
enumerator out_of_memory_k#
enumerator out_of_range_k#
enumerator args_combo_k#
enumerator args_wrong_k#
enumerator uninitialized_state_k#
enumerator network_k#
enumerator consistency_k#
enumerator missing_feature_k#
enumerator error_unknown_k#
namespace unum
namespace ustore


enum error_code_t#


enumerator success_k#
enumerator out_of_memory_k#
enumerator out_of_range_k#
enumerator args_combo_k#
enumerator args_wrong_k#
enumerator uninitialized_state_k#
enumerator network_k#
enumerator consistency_k#
enumerator missing_feature_k#
enumerator error_unknown_k#
class status_t#
#include <status.hpp>

Public Functions

inline status_t(ustore_error_t err = nullptr) noexcept#
inline operator bool() const noexcept#
status_t(status_t const&) = delete#
status_t &operator=(status_t const&) = delete#
inline status_t(status_t &&other) noexcept#
inline status_t &operator=(status_t &&other) noexcept#
inline ~status_t() noexcept#
inline std::runtime_error release_exception()#
inline void throw_unhandled()#
inline ustore_error_t *member_ptr() noexcept#
inline ustore_error_t release_error() noexcept#
inline ustore_error_t message() const noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline status_t status_view(char const *msg) noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_error_t raw_ = {nullptr}#
bool is_view_ = {false}#
template<typename object_at>
class expected_gt#
#include <status.hpp>

Extends std::optional to support a status, describing empty state.

Subclassed by unum::ustore::given_gt< object_at >

Public Functions

expected_gt() = default#
inline expected_gt(object_at &&object) noexcept#
inline expected_gt(status_t &&status, object_at &&default_object = object_at{}) noexcept#
inline expected_gt(expected_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline expected_gt &operator=(expected_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline operator bool() const noexcept#
inline object_at operator*() && noexcept#
inline object_at const &operator*() const & noexcept#
inline object_at *operator->() noexcept#
inline object_at const *operator->() const noexcept#
inline operator std::optional<object_at>() && noexcept#
inline void throw_unhandled()#
inline status_t release_status() noexcept#
inline object_at &throw_or_ref() &#
inline object_at throw_or_release() &&#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator==(expected_gt<hetero_at> const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator!=(expected_gt<hetero_at> const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator==(hetero_at const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator!=(hetero_at const &other) const noexcept#

Protected Attributes

status_t status_#
object_at object_#
template<typename object_at>
class given_gt : public unum::ustore::expected_gt<object_at>#
#include <status.hpp>

Wraps a potentially non-trivial type, like “optional”, often controlling the underlying memory of the object.

Public Functions

inline given_gt(object_at &&object, arena_t &&arena)#
inline given_gt(status_t &&status, object_at &&default_object = object_at{}, arena_t &&arena = {nullptr})#
inline given_gt(given_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline given_gt &operator=(given_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline object_at const &operator*() const & noexcept#
inline object_at const *operator->() const & noexcept#
inline arena_t release_arena() noexcept#
inline base_t release_expected() noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator==(expected_gt<hetero_at> const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator==(hetero_at const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator!=(expected_gt<hetero_at> const &other) const noexcept#
template<typename hetero_at>
inline bool operator!=(hetero_at const &other) const noexcept#
inline status_t release_status() noexcept#
inline void throw_unhandled()#

Protected Types

using base_t = expected_gt<object_at>#

Protected Attributes

arena_t arena_#
object_at object_#
status_t status_#



Ashot Vardanian


4 Jul 2022


enum class byte_t : std::uint8_t#



template<typename ...args_at>
inline collection_key_field_t ckf(args_at&&... args)#
template<typename container_at>
value_view_t value_view(container_at &&container)#
template<typename hashable_at>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, hashable_at const &v)#

Trivial hash-mixing scheme from Boost.

inline ustore_vertex_role_t invert(ustore_vertex_role_t role)#
inline std::size_t next_power_of_two(std::size_t x)#
template<typename at = std::size_t>
inline at divide_round_up(at x, at divisor)#
template<typename at = std::size_t>
inline at next_multiple(at x, at divisor)#
template<typename element_at>
constexpr ustore_doc_field_type_t ustore_doc_field()#
inline void swap(unum::ustore::value_ref_t &a, unum::ustore::value_ref_t &b) noexcept#


constexpr std::size_t bits_in_byte_k = 8#
class hash<unum::ustore::collection_key_t> : public unum::ustore::collection_key_hash_t#
#include <types.hpp>
namespace unum
namespace ustore


enum class byte_t : std::uint8_t#



template<typename ...args_at>
inline collection_key_field_t ckf(args_at&&... args)#
template<typename container_at>
value_view_t value_view(container_at &&container)#
template<typename hashable_at>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, hashable_at const &v)#

Trivial hash-mixing scheme from Boost.

inline ustore_vertex_role_t invert(ustore_vertex_role_t role)#
inline std::size_t next_power_of_two(std::size_t x)#
template<typename at = std::size_t>
inline at divide_round_up(at x, at divisor)#
template<typename at = std::size_t>
inline at next_multiple(at x, at divisor)#
template<typename element_at>
constexpr ustore_doc_field_type_t ustore_doc_field()#


constexpr std::size_t bits_in_byte_k = 8#
struct collection_key_t#
#include <types.hpp>

An OOP-friendly location representation for objects in the DB. Should be used with stride set to sizeof(collection_key_t).

Public Functions

collection_key_t() = default#
collection_key_t(collection_key_t const&) = default#
collection_key_t &operator=(collection_key_t const&) = default#
inline explicit collection_key_t(ustore_key_t k) noexcept#
inline collection_key_t in(ustore_collection_t collection) const noexcept#
inline collection_key_t(ustore_collection_t c, ustore_key_t k) noexcept#
inline bool operator==(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator<(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator>(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator<=(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator>=(collection_key_t const &other) const noexcept#

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection = {ustore_collection_main_k}#
ustore_key_t key = {0}#
struct collection_key_field_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Subclassed by unum::ustore::locations_in_collection_gt< int >, unum::ustore::locations_in_collection_gt< ustore_key_t >

Public Functions

collection_key_field_t() = default#
inline collection_key_field_t(ustore_collection_t collection, ustore_key_t key, ustore_str_view_t field = nullptr) noexcept#
inline collection_key_field_t(ustore_key_t key) noexcept#
inline explicit collection_key_field_t(ustore_key_t key, ustore_str_view_t field) noexcept#

Public Members

ustore_collection_t collection = {0}#
ustore_key_t key = {ustore_key_unknown_k}#
ustore_str_view_t field = {nullptr}#
struct edge_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Graph Edge, or in DBMS terms - a relationship.

Public Functions

inline bool operator==(edge_t const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(edge_t const &other) const noexcept#

Public Members

ustore_key_t source_id#
ustore_key_t target_id#
ustore_key_t id = {ustore_default_edge_id_k}#
struct neighborship_t#
#include <types.hpp>

An asymmetric slice of a bond/relation. Every vertex stores a list of such neighborship_t's in a sorted order.

Public Members

ustore_key_t neighbor_id = {0}#
ustore_key_t edge_id = {0}#


inline friend bool operator<(neighborship_t a, neighborship_t b) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator==(neighborship_t a, neighborship_t b) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator!=(neighborship_t a, neighborship_t b) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator<(ustore_key_t a_vertex_id, neighborship_t b) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator<(neighborship_t a, ustore_key_t b_vertex_id) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator==(ustore_key_t a_vertex_id, neighborship_t b) noexcept#
inline friend bool operator==(neighborship_t a, ustore_key_t b_vertex_id) noexcept#
class value_view_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Similar to std::optional<std::string_view>. It’s NULL state and “empty string” states are not identical. The NULL state generally reflects missing values. Unlike ptr_range_gt<byte_t const>, this classes layout allows easily passing it to the internals of UStore implementations without additional bit-twiddling.

Public Types

using value_type = byte_t#

Public Functions

inline value_view_t() = default#
inline value_view_t(ustore_bytes_cptr_t ptr, ustore_length_t length) noexcept#
inline value_view_t(byte_t const *begin, byte_t const *end) noexcept#
inline value_view_t(byte_t const *begin, std::size_t n) noexcept#

Compatibility with std::basic_string_view in C++17.

inline value_view_t(char const *c_str) noexcept#
inline value_view_t(char const *c_str, std::size_t n) noexcept#
template<typename char_at, typename traits_at>
inline value_view_t(std::basic_string_view<char_at, traits_at> view) noexcept#
inline value_view_t(std::string_view view) noexcept#
inline operator bool() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *data() const noexcept#
inline char const *c_str() const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *begin() const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *end() const noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline operator std::string_view() const noexcept#
inline ustore_bytes_cptr_t const *member_ptr() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t const *member_length() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(value_view_t other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(value_view_t other) const noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline value_view_t make_empty() noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_bytes_cptr_t ptr_ = nullptr#
ustore_length_t length_ = ustore_length_missing_k#
class value_ref_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = byte_t#

Public Functions

inline value_ref_t() = default#
inline value_ref_t(ustore_byte_t *ptr, ustore_length_t &offset, ustore_length_t &length) noexcept#
inline byte_t const *begin() const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *end() const noexcept#
inline char const *c_str() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline operator bool() const noexcept#
inline ustore_byte_t *const *member_ptr() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t const *member_offset() const noexcept#
inline ustore_length_t const *member_length() const noexcept#
inline bool operator==(value_ref_t other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(value_ref_t other) const noexcept#
inline void swap(value_ref_t &other)#

Private Members

ustore_byte_t *ptr_ = nullptr#
ustore_length_t *offset_ = nullptr#
ustore_length_t *length_ = nullptr#
class arena_t#
#include <types.hpp>

A view of a tape received from the DB. Allocates no memory, but is responsible for the cleanup.

Public Functions

inline arena_t(ustore_database_t db) noexcept#
arena_t(arena_t const&) = delete#
arena_t &operator=(arena_t const&) = delete#
inline ~arena_t()#
inline arena_t(arena_t &&other) noexcept#
inline arena_t &operator=(arena_t &&other) noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *member_ptr() noexcept#
inline operator ustore_arena_t*() & noexcept#
inline ustore_database_t db() const noexcept#

Private Members

ustore_database_t db_ = nullptr#
ustore_arena_t memory_ = nullptr#
class any_arena_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Public Functions

inline any_arena_t(ustore_database_t db) noexcept#
inline any_arena_t(arena_t &accessible) noexcept#
inline any_arena_t(ustore_database_t db, ustore_arena_t *accessible) noexcept#
any_arena_t(any_arena_t&&) = default#
any_arena_t &operator=(any_arena_t&&) = default#
inline any_arena_t(any_arena_t const &other) noexcept#
inline any_arena_t &operator=(any_arena_t const &other) noexcept#
inline bool is_remote() const noexcept#
inline ustore_arena_t *member_ptr() noexcept#
inline operator ustore_arena_t*() & noexcept#
inline arena_t release_owned() noexcept#

Private Members

arena_t owned_#
ustore_arena_t *accessible_ = nullptr#
struct collection_key_hash_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Subclassed by std::hash< unum::ustore::collection_key_t >

Public Functions

inline std::size_t operator()(collection_key_t const &sub) const noexcept#
struct edge_hash_t#
#include <types.hpp>

Public Functions

inline std::size_t operator()(edge_t const &edge) const noexcept#
namespace std#

STL namespace.


inline void swap(unum::ustore::value_ref_t &a, unum::ustore::value_ref_t &b) noexcept#
template<> collection_key_t > : public unum::ustore::collection_key_hash_t
#include <types.hpp>