API Reference#


Single-header Vector Search engine.


Ash Vardanian


April 26, 2023


usearch_assert_m(must_be_true, message)#


using byte_t = char#
using bitset_t = bitset_gt<>#
template<typename metric_at, typename ...args_at>
using return_type_gt = typename std::result_of<metric_at(args_at...)>::type#

C++17 and newer version deprecate the std::result_of

using default_key_t = std::uint64_t#
using default_slot_t = std::uint32_t#
using default_distance_t = float#


static inline void __usearch_raise_runtime_error(char const *message)#

Helper function to simplify debugging - trace just one symbol - __usearch_raise_runtime_error. Assuming the extern C block, the name won’t be mangled.

template<std::size_t multiple_ak>
std::size_t divide_round_up(std::size_t num) noexcept#
inline std::size_t divide_round_up(std::size_t num, std::size_t denominator) noexcept#
inline std::size_t ceil2(std::size_t v) noexcept#
template<typename at>
void misaligned_store(void *ptr, at v) noexcept#

Simply dereferencing misaligned pointers can be dangerous.

template<typename at>
at misaligned_load(void *ptr) noexcept#

Simply dereferencing misaligned pointers can be dangerous.

template<typename at, typename other_at = at>
at exchange(at &obj, other_at &&new_value)#

The std::exchange alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type destroy_at(at*)#

The std::destroy_at alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type destroy_at(at *obj)#
template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type construct_at(at*)#

The std::construct_at alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type construct_at(at *obj)#
template<typename key_at, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<key_at>::value>::type* = nullptr>
key_at default_free_value()#
template<typename key_at, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<key_at, uint40_t>::value>::type* = nullptr>
uint40_t default_free_value()#
constexpr std::size_t default_connectivity()#

Number of neighbors per graph node. Defaults to 32 in FAISS and 16 in hnswlib.

It is called M in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_expansion_add()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of indexing. Defaults to 40 in FAISS and 200 in hnswlib.

It is called efConstruction in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_expansion_search()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of search. Defaults to 16 in FAISS and 10 in hnswlib.

It is called ef in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_allocator_entry_bytes()#
template<typename object_at>
static constexpr bool is_dummy()#

Checks if the provided object has a dummy type, emulating an interface, but performing no real computation.

template<typename at>
constexpr bool has_reset()#

Checks if a certain class has a member function called reset.

template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_cref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_cref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_ref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_ref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename men_at, typename women_at, typename men_values_at, typename women_values_at, typename men_metric_at, typename women_metric_at, typename man_to_woman_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename woman_to_man_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
static join_result_t join(men_at const &men, women_at const &women, men_values_at const &men_values, women_values_at const &women_values, men_metric_at &&men_metric, women_metric_at &&women_metric, index_join_config_t config = {}, man_to_woman_at &&man_to_woman = man_to_woman_at{}, woman_to_man_at &&woman_to_man = woman_to_man_at{}, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) noexcept#

Adapts the Male-Optimal Stable Marriage algorithm for unequal sets to perform fast one-to-one matching between two large collections of vectors, using approximate nearest neighbors search.

  • man_to_woman[inout] Container to map ::men keys to ::women.

  • woman_to_man[inout] Container to map ::women keys to ::men.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

namespace unum#
namespace usearch#


using byte_t = char#
using bitset_t = bitset_gt<>#
template<typename metric_at, typename ...args_at>
using return_type_gt = typename std::result_of<metric_at(args_at...)>::type#

C++17 and newer version deprecate the std::result_of

using default_key_t = std::uint64_t#
using default_slot_t = std::uint32_t#
using default_distance_t = float#


template<std::size_t multiple_ak>
std::size_t divide_round_up(std::size_t num) noexcept#
inline std::size_t divide_round_up(std::size_t num, std::size_t denominator) noexcept#
inline std::size_t ceil2(std::size_t v) noexcept#
template<typename at>
void misaligned_store(void *ptr, at v) noexcept#

Simply dereferencing misaligned pointers can be dangerous.

template<typename at>
at misaligned_load(void *ptr) noexcept#

Simply dereferencing misaligned pointers can be dangerous.

template<typename at, typename other_at = at>
at exchange(at &obj, other_at &&new_value)#

The std::exchange alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type destroy_at(at*)#

The std::destroy_at alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type destroy_at(at *obj)#
template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type construct_at(at*)#

The std::construct_at alternative for C++11.

template<typename at, typename sfinae_at = at>
std::enable_if<!std::is_pod<sfinae_at>::value>::type construct_at(at *obj)#
template<typename key_at, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<key_at>::value>::type* = nullptr>
key_at default_free_value()#
template<typename key_at, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<key_at, uint40_t>::value>::type* = nullptr>
uint40_t default_free_value()#
constexpr std::size_t default_connectivity()#

Number of neighbors per graph node. Defaults to 32 in FAISS and 16 in hnswlib.

It is called M in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_expansion_add()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of indexing. Defaults to 40 in FAISS and 200 in hnswlib.

It is called efConstruction in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_expansion_search()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of search. Defaults to 16 in FAISS and 10 in hnswlib.

It is called ef in the paper.

constexpr std::size_t default_allocator_entry_bytes()#
template<typename object_at>
static constexpr bool is_dummy()#

Checks if the provided object has a dummy type, emulating an interface, but performing no real computation.

template<typename at>
constexpr bool has_reset()#

Checks if a certain class has a member function called reset.

template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_cref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_cref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline std::size_t get_slot(member_ref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename key_at>
inline key_at get_key(member_ref_gt<key_at> const &m) noexcept#
template<typename men_at, typename women_at, typename men_values_at, typename women_values_at, typename men_metric_at, typename women_metric_at, typename man_to_woman_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename woman_to_man_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
static join_result_t join(men_at const &men, women_at const &women, men_values_at const &men_values, women_values_at const &women_values, men_metric_at &&men_metric, women_metric_at &&women_metric, index_join_config_t config = {}, man_to_woman_at &&man_to_woman = man_to_woman_at{}, woman_to_man_at &&woman_to_man = woman_to_man_at{}, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) noexcept#

Adapts the Male-Optimal Stable Marriage algorithm for unequal sets to perform fast one-to-one matching between two large collections of vectors, using approximate nearest neighbors search.

  • man_to_woman[inout] Container to map ::men keys to ::women.

  • woman_to_man[inout] Container to map ::women keys to ::men.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

template<typename at>
class misaligned_ref_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

A reference to a misaligned memory location with a specific type. It is needed to avoid Undefined Behavior when dereferencing addresses indivisible by sizeof(at).

Public Functions

inline misaligned_ref_gt(byte_t *ptr) noexcept#
inline operator mutable_t() const noexcept#
inline misaligned_ref_gt &operator=(mutable_t const &v) noexcept#
inline void reset(byte_t *ptr) noexcept#
inline byte_t *ptr() const noexcept#

Private Types

using element_t = at#
using mutable_t = typename std::remove_const<element_t>::type#

Private Members

byte_t *ptr_#
template<typename at>
class misaligned_ptr_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

A pointer to a misaligned memory location with a specific type. It is needed to avoid Undefined Behavior when dereferencing addresses indivisible by sizeof(at).

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using value_type = element_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = misaligned_ptr_gt<element_t>#
using reference = misaligned_ref_gt<element_t>#

Public Functions

inline reference operator*() const noexcept#
inline reference operator[](std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline value_type operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt(byte_t *ptr) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt operator++(int) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt operator--(int) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt operator+(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt operator-(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt &operator--() noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt &operator+=(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt &operator-=(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline bool operator==(misaligned_ptr_gt const &other) noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(misaligned_ptr_gt const &other) noexcept#

Private Types

using element_t = at#
using mutable_t = typename std::remove_const<element_t>::type#

Private Members

byte_t *ptr_#
template<typename scalar_at>
class span_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Non-owning memory range view, similar to std::span, but for C++11.

Public Functions

inline span_gt() noexcept#
inline span_gt(scalar_at *begin, scalar_at *end) noexcept#
inline span_gt(scalar_at *begin, std::size_t size) noexcept#
inline scalar_at *data() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at *begin() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at *end() const noexcept#
inline operator scalar_at*() const noexcept#

Private Members

scalar_at *data_#
std::size_t size_#
template<typename scalar_at, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<scalar_at>>
class buffer_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Similar to std::vector, but doesn’t support dynamic resizing. On the bright side, this can’t throw exceptions.

Public Functions

inline buffer_gt() noexcept#
inline buffer_gt(std::size_t size) noexcept#
inline ~buffer_gt() noexcept#
inline scalar_at *data() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at *begin() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at *end() const noexcept#
inline operator scalar_at*() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at &operator[](std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline scalar_at const &operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline scalar_at *release() noexcept#
buffer_gt(buffer_gt const&) = delete#
buffer_gt &operator=(buffer_gt const&) = delete#
inline buffer_gt(buffer_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline buffer_gt &operator=(buffer_gt &&other) noexcept#

Private Members

scalar_at *data_#
std::size_t size_#
class error_t#
#include <index.hpp>

A lightweight error class for handling error messages, which are expected to be allocated in static memory.

Public Functions

inline error_t(char const *message = nullptr) noexcept#
inline error_t &operator=(char const *message) noexcept#
error_t(error_t const&) = delete#
error_t &operator=(error_t const&) = delete#
inline error_t(error_t &&other) noexcept#
inline error_t &operator=(error_t &&other) noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline char const *what() const noexcept#
inline char const *release() noexcept#
inline ~error_t() noexcept#
inline void raise() noexcept#

Private Members

char const *message_ = {}#
template<typename result_at>
struct expected_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Similar to std::expected in C++23, wraps a statement evaluation result, or an error. It’s used to avoid raising exception, and gracefully propagate the error.

Template Parameters:

result_at – The type of the expected result.

Public Functions

inline operator result_at&() &#
inline operator result_at&&() &&#
inline result_at const &operator*() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline expected_gt failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

result_at result#
error_t error#
template<typename allocator_at = std::allocator<byte_t>>
class bitset_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Light-weight bitset implementation to sync nodes updates during graph mutations. Extends basic functionality with atomic operations.

Public Functions

inline bitset_gt() noexcept#
inline ~bitset_gt() noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline bitset_gt(std::size_t capacity) noexcept#
inline bitset_gt(bitset_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline bitset_gt &operator=(bitset_gt &&other) noexcept#
bitset_gt(bitset_gt const&) = delete#
bitset_gt &operator=(bitset_gt const&) = delete#
inline bool test(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline bool set(std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline bool atomic_set(std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline void atomic_reset(std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline lock_t lock(std::size_t i) noexcept#

Private Types

using allocator_t = allocator_at#
using byte_t = typename allocator_t::value_type#
using compressed_slot_t = unsigned long#

Private Members

compressed_slot_t *slots_ = {}#
std::size_t count_ = {}#

Number of slots.

Private Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t bits_per_slot()#
static inline constexpr compressed_slot_t bits_mask()#
static inline constexpr std::size_t slots(std::size_t bits)#
class lock_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline ~lock_t() noexcept#
inline lock_t(bitset_gt &bitset, std::size_t bit_offset) noexcept#

Private Members

bitset_gt &bitset_#
std::size_t bit_offset_#
template<typename element_at, typename comparator_at = std::less<void>, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<element_at>>
class max_heap_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Similar to std::priority_queue, but allows raw access to underlying memory, in case you want to shuffle it or sort. Good for collections from 100s to 10’000s elements.

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using comparator_t = comparator_at#
using allocator_t = allocator_at#
using value_type = element_t#

Public Functions

inline max_heap_gt() noexcept#
inline max_heap_gt(max_heap_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline max_heap_gt &operator=(max_heap_gt &&other) noexcept#
max_heap_gt(max_heap_gt const&) = delete#
max_heap_gt &operator=(max_heap_gt const&) = delete#
inline ~max_heap_gt() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t capacity() const noexcept#
inline element_t const &top() const noexcept#

Selects the largest element in the heap.


Reference to the stored element.

inline void clear() noexcept#
inline bool reserve(std::size_t new_capacity) noexcept#
inline bool insert(element_t &&element) noexcept#
inline void insert_reserved(element_t &&element) noexcept#
inline element_t pop() noexcept#
inline void sort_ascending() noexcept#

Invalidates the “max-heap” property, transforming into ascending range.

inline void shrink(std::size_t n) noexcept#
inline element_t *data() noexcept#
inline element_t const *data() const noexcept#

Private Functions

inline std::size_t parent_idx(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t left_child_idx(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t right_child_idx(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline void shift_up(std::size_t i) noexcept#
inline void shift_down(std::size_t i) noexcept#

Private Members

element_t *elements_#
std::size_t size_#
std::size_t capacity_#

Private Static Functions

static inline bool less(element_t const &a, element_t const &b) noexcept#
template<typename element_at, typename comparator_at = std::less<void>, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<element_at>>
class sorted_buffer_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Similar to std::priority_queue, but allows raw access to underlying memory and always keeps the data sorted. Ideal for small collections under 128 elements.

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using comparator_t = comparator_at#
using allocator_t = allocator_at#
using value_type = element_t#

Public Functions

inline sorted_buffer_gt() noexcept#
inline sorted_buffer_gt(sorted_buffer_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline sorted_buffer_gt &operator=(sorted_buffer_gt &&other) noexcept#
sorted_buffer_gt(sorted_buffer_gt const&) = delete#
sorted_buffer_gt &operator=(sorted_buffer_gt const&) = delete#
inline ~sorted_buffer_gt() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t capacity() const noexcept#
inline element_t const &top() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline bool reserve(std::size_t new_capacity) noexcept#
inline void insert_reserved(element_t &&element) noexcept#
inline bool insert(element_t &&element, std::size_t limit) noexcept#

true if the entry was added, false if it wasn’t relevant enough.

inline element_t pop() noexcept#
inline void sort_ascending() noexcept#
inline void shrink(std::size_t n) noexcept#
inline element_t *data() noexcept#
inline element_t const *data() const noexcept#

Private Members

element_t *elements_#
std::size_t size_#
std::size_t capacity_#

Private Static Functions

static inline bool less(element_t const &a, element_t const &b) noexcept#
class uint40_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Five-byte integer type to address node clouds with over 4B entries.


Avoid usage in 32bit environment

Public Functions

inline uint40_t() noexcept#
inline uint40_t(std::uint32_t n) noexcept#
inline uint40_t(std::uint64_t n) noexcept#
uint40_t(uint40_t&&) = default#
uint40_t(uint40_t const&) = default#
uint40_t &operator=(uint40_t&&) = default#
uint40_t &operator=(uint40_t const&) = default#
inline operator std::size_t() const noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline uint40_t max() noexcept#
static inline uint40_t min() noexcept#

Private Functions

inline uint40_t &broadcast(unsigned char c)#

Private Members

unsigned char octets[5]#
template<typename element_at>
struct hash_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline std::size_t operator()(element_at const &element) const noexcept#
struct hash_gt<uint40_t>#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline std::size_t operator()(uint40_t const &element) const noexcept#
template<typename element_at, typename hasher_at = hash_gt<element_at>, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<byte_t>>
class growing_hash_set_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Minimalistic hash-set implementation to track visited nodes during graph traversal.

It doesn’t support deletion of separate objects, but supports clear-ing all at once. It expects reserve to be called ahead of all insertions, so no resizes are needed. It also assumes 0xFF...FF slots to be unused, to simplify the design. It uses linear probing, the number of slots is always a power of two, and it uses linear-probing in case of bucket collisions.

Public Functions

inline growing_hash_set_gt() noexcept#
inline ~growing_hash_set_gt() noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline growing_hash_set_gt(std::size_t capacity) noexcept#
inline growing_hash_set_gt(growing_hash_set_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline growing_hash_set_gt &operator=(growing_hash_set_gt &&other) noexcept#
growing_hash_set_gt(growing_hash_set_gt const&) = delete#
growing_hash_set_gt &operator=(growing_hash_set_gt const&) = delete#
inline bool test(element_t const &elem) const noexcept#
inline bool set(element_t const &elem) noexcept#

Similar to bitset_gt, returns the previous value.

inline bool reserve(std::size_t new_capacity) noexcept#

Private Types

using element_t = element_at#
using hasher_t = hasher_at#
using allocator_t = allocator_at#
using byte_t = typename allocator_t::value_type#

Private Members

element_t *slots_ = {}#
std::size_t capacity_ = {}#

Number of slots.

std::size_t count_ = {}#

Number of populated.

hasher_t hasher_ = {}#
template<typename element_at, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<element_at>>
class ring_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Basic single-threaded ring class, used for all kinds of task queues.

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using allocator_t = allocator_at#
using value_type = element_t#

Public Functions

inline explicit ring_gt(allocator_t const &alloc = allocator_t()) noexcept#
ring_gt(ring_gt const&) = delete#
ring_gt &operator=(ring_gt const&) = delete#
inline ring_gt(ring_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline ring_gt &operator=(ring_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline void swap(ring_gt &other) noexcept#
inline ~ring_gt() noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline size_t capacity() const noexcept#
inline size_t size() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline bool reserve(std::size_t n) noexcept#
inline void push(element_t const &value) noexcept#
inline bool try_push(element_t const &value) noexcept#
inline bool try_pop(element_t &value) noexcept#
inline element_t const &operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#

Private Members

element_t *elements_ = {}#
std::size_t capacity_ = {}#
std::size_t head_ = {}#
std::size_t tail_ = {}#
bool empty_ = {true}#
allocator_t allocator_ = {}#
struct index_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Configuration settings for the index construction. Includes the main ::connectivity parameter (M in the paper) and two expansion factors - for construction and search.

Subclassed by unum::usearch::index_dense_config_t

Public Functions

inline index_config_t() = default#
inline index_config_t(std::size_t c) noexcept#
inline index_config_t(std::size_t c, std::size_t cb) noexcept#

Public Members

std::size_t connectivity = default_connectivity()#

Number of neighbors per graph node. Defaults to 32 in FAISS and 16 in hnswlib.

It is called M in the paper.

std::size_t connectivity_base = default_connectivity() * 2#

Number of neighbors per graph node in base level graph. Defaults to double of the other levels, so 64 in FAISS and 32 in hnswlib.

It is called M0 in the paper.

struct index_limits_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline index_limits_t(std::size_t n, std::size_t t) noexcept#
inline index_limits_t(std::size_t n = 0) noexcept#
inline std::size_t threads() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t concurrency() const noexcept#

Public Members

std::size_t members = 0#
std::size_t threads_add = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()#
std::size_t threads_search = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()#
struct index_update_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t expansion = default_expansion_add()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of indexing. Defaults to 40 in FAISS and 200 in hnswlib.

It is called efConstruction in the paper.

std::size_t thread = 0#

Optional thread identifier for multi-threaded construction.

struct index_search_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t expansion = default_expansion_search()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of search. Defaults to 16 in FAISS and 10 in hnswlib.

It is called ef in the paper.

std::size_t thread = 0#

Optional thread identifier for multi-threaded construction.

bool exact = false#

Brute-forces exhaustive search over all entries in the index.

struct index_cluster_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t expansion = default_expansion_search()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of search. Defaults to 16 in FAISS and 10 in hnswlib.

It is called ef in the paper.

std::size_t thread = 0#

Optional thread identifier for multi-threaded construction.

struct index_copy_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Subclassed by unum::usearch::index_dense_copy_config_t

struct index_join_config_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t max_proposals = 0#

Controls maximum number of proposals per man during stable marriage.

std::size_t expansion = default_expansion_search()#

Hyper-parameter controlling the quality of search. Defaults to 16 in FAISS and 10 in hnswlib.

It is called ef in the paper.

bool exact = false#

Brute-forces exhaustive search over all entries in the index.

struct dummy_predicate_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible ad-hoc filter would look like.

A similar function object can be passed to search queries to further filter entries on their auxiliary properties, such as some categorical keys stored in an external DBMS.

Public Functions

template<typename member_at>
inline constexpr bool operator()(member_at&&) const noexcept#
struct dummy_callback_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible ad-hoc operation on in-flight entries.

This kind of callbacks is used when the engine is being updated and you want to patch the entries, while their are still under locks - limiting concurrent access and providing consistency.

Public Functions

template<typename member_at>
inline void operator()(member_at&&) const noexcept#
struct dummy_progress_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible progress-bar should look like.

This is particularly helpful when handling long-running tasks, like serialization, saving, and loading from disk, or index-level joins. The reporter checks return value to continue or stop the process, false means need to stop.

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(std::size_t, std::size_t) const noexcept#
struct dummy_prefetch_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible values prefetching mechanism should look like.

USearch is designed to handle very large datasets, that may not fir into RAM. Fetching from external memory is very expensive, so we’ve added a pre-fetching mechanism, that accepts multiple objects at once, to cache in RAM ahead of the computation. The received iterators support both get_slot and get_key operations. An example usage may look like this:

template <typename member_citerator_like_at>
inline void operator()(member_citerator_like_at, member_citerator_like_at) const noexcept {
    for (; begin != end; ++begin)

Public Functions

template<typename member_citerator_like_at>
inline void operator()(member_citerator_like_at, member_citerator_like_at) const noexcept#
struct dummy_executor_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible executor (thread-pool) should look like.

It’s expected to have parallel(callback) API to schedule one task per thread; an identical fixed(count, callback) and dynamic(count, callback) overloads that also accepts the number of tasks, and somehow schedules them between threads; as well as size() to determine the number of available threads.

Public Functions

inline dummy_executor_t() noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void fixed(std::size_t tasks, thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept#
template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void dynamic(std::size_t tasks, thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept#
template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void parallel(thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept#
struct dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t#
#include <index.hpp>

An example of what a USearch-compatible key-to-key mapping should look like.

This is particularly helpful for “Semantic Joins”, where we map entries of one collection to entries of another. In asymmetric setups, where A -> B is needed, but B -> A is not, this can be passed to minimize memory usage.

Public Functions

template<typename key_at>
inline member_ref_t operator[](key_at&&) const noexcept#
struct member_ref_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename key_at>
inline member_ref_t &operator=(key_at&&) noexcept#
template<typename, typename at>
struct has_reset_gt#
#include <index.hpp>
template<typename check_at, typename return_at, typename ...args_at>
struct has_reset_gt<check_at, return_at(args_at...)>#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool value = type::value#

Private Members

decltype(check< check_at >(0)) typedef type

Private Static Functions

template<typename at>
static constexpr auto check(at*) -> typename std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<at>().reset(std::declval<args_at>()...)), return_at>::type#
static constexpr std::false_type check(...)#
struct serialization_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error#
class output_file_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Smart-pointer wrapping the LibC for binary file outputs.

This class raises no exceptions and corresponds errors through serialization_result_t. The class automatically closes the file when the object is destroyed.

Public Functions

inline output_file_t(char const *path) noexcept#
inline ~output_file_t() noexcept#
inline output_file_t(output_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline output_file_t &operator=(output_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t open_if_not() noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t write(void const *begin, std::size_t length) noexcept#
inline void close() noexcept#

Private Members

char const *path_ = nullptr#
std::FILE *file_ = nullptr#
class input_file_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Smart-pointer wrapping the LibC for binary files inputs.

This class raises no exceptions and corresponds errors through serialization_result_t. The class automatically closes the file when the object is destroyed.

Public Functions

inline input_file_t(char const *path) noexcept#
inline ~input_file_t() noexcept#
inline input_file_t(input_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline input_file_t &operator=(input_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t open_if_not() noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t read(void *begin, std::size_t length) noexcept#
inline void close() noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline bool seek_to(std::size_t progress) noexcept#
inline bool seek_to_end() noexcept#
inline bool infer_progress(std::size_t &progress) noexcept#

Private Members

char const *path_ = nullptr#
std::FILE *file_ = nullptr#
class memory_mapped_file_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Represents a memory-mapped file or a pre-allocated anonymous memory region.

This class provides a convenient way to memory-map a file and access its contents as a block of memory. The class handles platform-specific memory-mapping operations on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. The class automatically closes the file when the object is destroyed.

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline byte_t *data() noexcept#
inline byte_t const *data() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline memory_mapped_file_t() noexcept#
inline memory_mapped_file_t(char const *path) noexcept#
inline ~memory_mapped_file_t() noexcept#
inline memory_mapped_file_t(memory_mapped_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline memory_mapped_file_t(byte_t *data, std::size_t length) noexcept#
inline memory_mapped_file_t &operator=(memory_mapped_file_t &&other) noexcept#
inline serialization_result_t open_if_not() noexcept#
inline void close() noexcept#

Private Members

char const *path_ = {}#

The path to the file to be memory-mapped.

void *ptr_ = {}#

A pointer to the memory-mapping.

size_t length_ = {}#

The length of the memory-mapped file in bytes.

int file_descriptor_ = {}#

The file descriptor on Linux and MacOS.

struct index_serialized_header_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::uint64_t size = 0#
std::uint64_t connectivity = 0#
std::uint64_t connectivity_base = 0#
std::uint64_t max_level = 0#
std::uint64_t entry_slot = 0#
template<typename key_at = default_key_t>
struct member_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

key_at key#
std::size_t slot#
template<typename key_at = default_key_t>
struct member_cref_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

misaligned_ref_gt<key_at const> key#
std::size_t slot#
template<typename key_at = default_key_t>
struct member_ref_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline operator member_cref_gt<key_at>() const noexcept#

Public Members

misaligned_ref_gt<key_at> key#
std::size_t slot#
template<typename distance_at = default_distance_t, typename key_at = default_key_t, typename compressed_slot_at = default_slot_t, typename dynamic_allocator_at = std::allocator<byte_t>, typename tape_allocator_at = dynamic_allocator_at>
class index_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Approximate Nearest Neighbors Search index-structure using the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graphs algorithm. If classical containers store Key->Value mappings, this one can be seen as a network of keys, accelerating approximate Value~>Key visited_members.

Unlike most implementations, this one is generic anc can be used for any search, not just within equi-dimensional vectors. Examples range from texts to similar Chess positions.


- Thread-safe for concurrent construction, search, and updates.
- Doesn't allocate new threads, and reuses the ones its called from.
- Allows storing value externally, managing just the similarity index.
- Joins.



None of the methods throw exceptions in the “Release” compilation mode. It may only throw if your memory ::dynamic_allocator_at or ::metric_at isn’t safe to copy.


When serialized, doesn’t include any additional metadata. It is just the multi-level proximity-graph. You may want to store metadata about the used metric and key types somewhere else.


Like every HNSW implementation, USearch builds levels of “Proximity Graphs”. Every added vector forms a node in one or more levels of the graph. Every node is present in the base level. Every following level contains a smaller fraction of nodes. During search, the operation starts with the smaller levels and zooms-in on every following iteration of larger graph traversals.

Just one memory allocation is performed regardless of the number of levels. The adjacency lists across all levels are concatenated into that single buffer. That buffer starts with a “head”, that stores the metadata, such as the tallest “level” of the graph that it belongs to, the external “key”, and the number of “dimensions” in the vector.

, Predicates and Callbacks#

References and Iterators#

-   `member_citerator_t` and `member_iterator_t` have only slots, no indirections.

-   `member_cref_t` and `member_ref_t` contains the `slot` and a reference
    to the key. So it passes through 1 level of visited_members in `nodes_`.
    Retrieving the key via `get_key` will cause fetching yet another cache line.

-   `member_gt` contains an already prefetched copy of the key.
Template Parameters:
  • key_at – The type of primary objects stored in the index. The values, to which those map, are not managed by the same index structure.

  • compressed_slot_at – The smallest unsigned integer type to address indexed elements. It is used internally to maximize space-efficiency and is generally up-casted to in public interfaces. Can be a built-in , uint64_t, or our custom . Which makes the most sense for 4B+ entry indexes.

  • dynamic_allocator_at – Dynamic memory allocator for temporary buffers, visits indicators, and priority queues, needed during construction and traversals of graphs. The allocated buffers may be uninitialized.

  • tape_allocator_at – Potentially different memory allocator for primary allocations of nodes and vectors. It would never deallocate separate entries, and would only free all the space at once. The allocated buffers may be uninitialized.

Public Types

using distance_t = distance_at#
using vector_key_t = key_at#
using key_t = vector_key_t#
using compressed_slot_t = compressed_slot_at#
using dynamic_allocator_t = dynamic_allocator_at#
using tape_allocator_t = tape_allocator_at#
using member_cref_t = member_cref_gt<vector_key_t>#
using member_ref_t = member_ref_gt<vector_key_t>#
using member_iterator_t = member_iterator_gt<member_ref_t, index_gt>#
using member_citerator_t = member_iterator_gt<member_cref_t, index_gt const>#
using value_type = vector_key_t#
using allocator_type = dynamic_allocator_t#
using size_type = std::size_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using reference = member_ref_t#
using const_reference = member_cref_t#
using pointer = void#
using const_pointer = void#
using iterator = member_iterator_t#
using const_iterator = member_citerator_t#
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<member_iterator_t>#
using reverse_const_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<member_citerator_t>#
using dynamic_allocator_traits_t = std::allocator_traits<dynamic_allocator_t>#
using byte_t = typename dynamic_allocator_t::value_type#
using tape_allocator_traits_t = std::allocator_traits<tape_allocator_t>#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t connectivity() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t capacity() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t max_level() const noexcept#
inline index_config_t const &config() const noexcept#
inline index_limits_t const &limits() const noexcept#
inline bool is_immutable() const noexcept#
inline explicit index_gt(index_config_t config = {}, dynamic_allocator_t dynamic_allocator = {}, tape_allocator_t tape_allocator = {}) noexcept#


Doesn’t throw, unless the ::metric’s and ::allocators’s throw on copy-construction.

inline index_gt fork() noexcept#

Clones the structure with the same hyper-parameters, but without contents.

inline ~index_gt() noexcept#
inline index_gt(index_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline index_gt &operator=(index_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline copy_result_t copy(index_copy_config_t config = {}) const noexcept#
inline member_citerator_t cbegin() const noexcept#
inline member_citerator_t cend() const noexcept#
inline member_citerator_t begin() const noexcept#
inline member_citerator_t end() const noexcept#
inline member_iterator_t begin() noexcept#
inline member_iterator_t end() noexcept#
inline member_ref_t at(std::size_t slot) noexcept#
inline member_cref_t at(std::size_t slot) const noexcept#
inline member_iterator_t iterator_at(std::size_t slot) noexcept#
inline member_citerator_t citerator_at(std::size_t slot) const noexcept#
inline dynamic_allocator_t const &dynamic_allocator() const noexcept#
inline tape_allocator_t const &tape_allocator() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#

Erases all the vectors from the index.

Will change size() to zero, but will keep the same capacity(). Will keep the number of available threads/contexts the same as it was.

inline void reset() noexcept#

Erases all members from index, closing files, and returning RAM to OS.

Will change both size() and capacity() to zero. Will deallocate all threads/contexts. If the index is memory-mapped - releases the mapping and the descriptor.

inline void swap(index_gt &other) noexcept#

Swaps the underlying memory buffers and thread contexts.

inline bool reserve (index_limits_t limits) usearch_noexcept_m

Increases the capacity() of the index to allow adding more vectors.


true on success, false on memory allocation errors.

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename callback_at = dummy_callback_t, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t> inline add_result_t add (vector_key_t key, value_at &&value, metric_at &&metric, index_update_config_t config={}, callback_at &&callback=callback_at{}, prefetch_at &&prefetch=prefetch_at{}) usearch_noexcept_m

Inserts a new entry into the index. Thread-safe. Supports heterogeneous lookups. Expects needed capacity to be reserved ahead of time: size() < capacity().

Template Parameters:

metric_at – A function responsible for computing the distance (dis-similarity) between two objects. It should be callable into distinctly different scenarios:

  • distance_t operator() (value_at, entry_at) - from new object to existing entries.

  • distance_t operator() (entry_at, entry_at) - between existing entries. Where any possible entry_at has both two interfaces: std::size_t slot(), vector_key_t key().

  • key[in] External identifier/name/descriptor for the new entry.

  • value[in] Content that will be compared against other entries to index.

  • metric[in] Callable object measuring distance between ::value and present objects.

  • config[in] Configuration options for this specific operation.

  • callback[in] On-success callback, executed while the member_ref_t is still under lock.

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename callback_at = dummy_callback_t, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t> inline add_result_t update (member_iterator_t iterator, vector_key_t key, value_at &&value, metric_at &&metric, index_update_config_t config={}, callback_at &&callback=callback_at{}, prefetch_at &&prefetch=prefetch_at{}) usearch_noexcept_m

Update an existing entry. Thread-safe. Supports heterogeneous lookups.

Template Parameters:

metric_at – A function responsible for computing the distance (dis-similarity) between two objects. It should be callable into distinctly different scenarios:

  • distance_t operator() (value_at, entry_at) - from new object to existing entries.

  • distance_t operator() (entry_at, entry_at) - between existing entries. For any possible entry_at following interfaces will work:

  • std::size_t get_slot(entry_at const &)

  • vector_key_t get_key(entry_at const &)

  • iterator[in] Iterator pointing to an existing entry to be replaced.

  • key[in] External identifier/name/descriptor for the entry.

  • value[in] Content that will be compared against other entries in the index.

  • metric[in] Callable object measuring distance between ::value and present objects.

  • config[in] Configuration options for this specific operation.

  • callback[in] On-success callback, executed while the member_ref_t is still under lock.

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename predicate_at = dummy_predicate_t, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t> inline search_result_t search (value_at &&query, std::size_t wanted, metric_at &&metric, index_search_config_t config={}, predicate_at &&predicate=predicate_at{}, prefetch_at &&prefetch=prefetch_at{}) const usearch_noexcept_m

Searches for the closest elements to the given ::query. Thread-safe.

  • query[in] Content that will be compared against other entries in the index.

  • wanted[in] The upper bound for the number of results to return.

  • config[in] Configuration options for this specific operation.

  • predicate[in] Optional filtering predicate for member_cref_t.


Smart object referencing temporary memory. Valid until next search(), add(), or cluster().

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename predicate_at = dummy_predicate_t, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t>
inline cluster_result_t cluster(value_at &&query, std::size_t level, metric_at &&metric, index_cluster_config_t config = {}, predicate_at &&predicate = predicate_at{}, prefetch_at &&prefetch = prefetch_at{}) const noexcept#

Identifies the closest cluster to the given ::query. Thread-safe.

  • query[in] Content that will be compared against other entries in the index.

  • level[in] The index level to target. Higher means lower resolution.

  • config[in] Configuration options for this specific operation.

  • predicate[in] Optional filtering predicate for member_cref_t.


Smart object referencing temporary memory. Valid until next search(), add(), or cluster().

inline stats_t stats() const noexcept#
inline stats_t stats(std::size_t level) const noexcept#
inline stats_t stats(stats_t *stats_per_level, std::size_t max_level) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t memory_usage(std::size_t allocator_entry_bytes = default_allocator_entry_bytes()) const noexcept#

A relatively accurate lower bound on the amount of memory consumed by the system. In practice it’s error will be below 10%.

See also

serialized_length for the length of the binary serialized representation.

inline std::size_t memory_usage_per_node(level_t level) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t serialized_length() const noexcept#

Estimate the binary length (in bytes) of the serialized index.

template<typename output_callback_at, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save_to_stream(output_callback_at &&output, progress_at &&progress = {}) const noexcept#

Saves serialized binary index representation to a stream.

template<typename input_callback_at, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load_from_stream(input_callback_at &&input, progress_at &&progress = {}) noexcept#

Symmetric to save_from_stream, pulls data from a stream.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(char const *file_path, progress_at &&progress = {}) const noexcept#
template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(char const *file_path, progress_at &&progress = {}) noexcept#
template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(output_file_t file, progress_at &&progress = {}) const noexcept#

Saves serialized binary index representation to a file, generally on disk.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, progress_at &&progress = {}) const noexcept#

Memory-maps the serialized binary index representation from disk, without copying data into RAM, and fetching it on-demand.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(input_file_t file, progress_at &&progress = {}) noexcept#

Loads the serialized binary index representation from disk to RAM. Adjusts the configuration properties of the constructed index to match the settings in the file.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, progress_at &&progress = {}) noexcept#

Loads the serialized binary index representation from disk to RAM. Adjusts the configuration properties of the constructed index to match the settings in the file.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t view(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, progress_at &&progress = {}) noexcept#

Memory-maps the serialized binary index representation from disk, without copying data into RAM, and fetching it on-demand.

template<typename values_at, typename metric_at, typename slot_transition_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t>
inline void compact(values_at &&values, metric_at &&metric, slot_transition_at &&slot_transition, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}, prefetch_at &&prefetch = prefetch_at{}) noexcept#

Performs compaction on the whole HNSW index, purging some entries and links to them, while also generating a more efficient mapping, putting the more frequently used entries closer together.

Scans the whole collection, removing the links leading towards banned entries. This essentially isolates some nodes from the rest of the graph, while keeping their outgoing links, in case the node is structurally relevant and has a crucial role in the index. It won’t reclaim the memory.

  • allow_member[in] Predicate to mark nodes for isolation.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

template<typename allow_member_at = dummy_predicate_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline void isolate(allow_member_at &&allow_member, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) noexcept#

Scans the whole collection, removing the links leading towards banned entries. This essentially isolates some nodes from the rest of the graph, while keeping their outgoing links, in case the node is structurally relevant and has a crucial role in the index. It won’t reclaim the memory.

  • allow_member[in] Predicate to mark nodes for isolation.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

Private Types

using neighbors_count_t = std::uint32_t#

Integer for the number of node neighbors at a specific level of the multi-level graph. It’s selected to be std::uint32_t to improve the alignment in most common cases.

using level_t = std::int16_t#
using nodes_mutexes_t = bitset_gt<dynamic_allocator_t>#
using visits_hash_set_t = growing_hash_set_gt<compressed_slot_t, hash_gt<compressed_slot_t>, dynamic_allocator_t>#
using candidates_view_t = span_gt<candidate_t const>#
using candidates_allocator_t = typename dynamic_allocator_traits_t::template rebind_alloc<candidate_t>#
using top_candidates_t = sorted_buffer_gt<candidate_t, std::less<candidate_t>, candidates_allocator_t>#
using next_candidates_t = max_heap_gt<candidate_t, std::less<candidate_t>, candidates_allocator_t>#
using nodes_allocator_t = typename dynamic_allocator_traits_t::template rebind_alloc<node_t>#
using contexts_allocator_t = typename dynamic_allocator_traits_t::template rebind_alloc<context_t>#
using span_bytes_t = span_gt<byte_t>#

Private Functions

inline span_bytes_t node_bytes_(node_t node) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t node_bytes_(level_t level) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t node_neighbors_bytes_(node_t node) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t node_neighbors_bytes_(level_t level) const noexcept#
inline span_bytes_t node_malloc_(level_t level) noexcept#
inline node_t node_make_(vector_key_t key, level_t level) noexcept#
inline node_t node_make_copy_(span_bytes_t old_bytes) noexcept#
inline void node_free_(std::size_t idx) noexcept#
inline node_t node_at_(std::size_t idx) const noexcept#
inline neighbors_ref_t neighbors_base_(node_t node) const noexcept#
inline neighbors_ref_t neighbors_non_base_(node_t node, level_t level) const noexcept#
inline neighbors_ref_t neighbors_(node_t node, level_t level) const noexcept#
inline node_lock_t node_lock_(std::size_t slot) const noexcept#
template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename prefetch_at> inline void connect_node_across_levels_ (value_at &&value, metric_at &&metric, prefetch_at &&prefetch, std::size_t node_slot, std::size_t entry_slot, level_t max_level, level_t target_level, index_update_config_t const &config, context_t &context) usearch_noexcept_m
template<typename metric_at> inline std::size_t connect_new_node_ (metric_at &&metric, std::size_t new_slot, level_t level, context_t &context) usearch_noexcept_m
template<typename value_at, typename metric_at> inline void reconnect_neighbor_nodes_ (metric_at &&metric, std::size_t new_slot, value_at &&value, level_t level, context_t &context) usearch_noexcept_m
inline level_t choose_random_level_(std::default_random_engine &level_generator) const noexcept#
template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t>
inline std::size_t search_for_one_(value_at &&query, metric_at &&metric, prefetch_at &&prefetch, std::size_t closest_slot, level_t begin_level, level_t end_level, context_t &context) const noexcept#
template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename prefetch_at = dummy_prefetch_t>
inline bool search_to_insert_(value_at &&query, metric_at &&metric, prefetch_at &&prefetch, std::size_t start_slot, std::size_t new_slot, level_t level, std::size_t top_limit, context_t &context) noexcept#

Traverses a layer of a graph, to find the best place to insert a new node. Locks the nodes in the process, assuming other threads are updating neighbors lists.


true if procedure succeeded, false if run out of memory.

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename predicate_at, typename prefetch_at> inline bool search_to_find_in_base_ (value_at &&query, metric_at &&metric, predicate_at &&predicate, prefetch_at &&prefetch, std::size_t start_slot, std::size_t expansion, context_t &context) const usearch_noexcept_m

Traverses the base layer of a graph, to find a close match. Doesn’t lock any nodes, assuming read-only simultaneous access.


true if procedure succeeded, false if run out of memory.

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename predicate_at>
inline void search_exact_(value_at &&query, metric_at &&metric, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t count, context_t &context) const noexcept#

Iterates through all members, without actually touching the index.

template<typename metric_at>
inline candidates_view_t refine_(metric_at &&metric, std::size_t needed, top_candidates_t &top, context_t &context) const noexcept#

This algorithm from the original paper implements a heuristic, that massively reduces the number of connections a point has, to keep only the neighbors, that are from each other.

Private Members

index_config_t config_ = {}#
index_limits_t limits_ = {}#
mutable dynamic_allocator_t dynamic_allocator_ = {}#
tape_allocator_t tape_allocator_ = {}#
precomputed_constants_t pre_ = {}#
memory_mapped_file_t viewed_file_ = {}#
mutable usearch_align_m std::atomic< std::size_t > nodes_capacity_   = {}

Number of “slots” available for node_t objects. Equals to .

mutable usearch_align_m std::atomic< std::size_t > nodes_count_   = {}

Number of “slots” already storing non-null nodes.

std::mutex global_mutex_ = {}#

Controls access to max_level_ and entry_slot_. If any thread is updating those values, no other threads can add() or search().

level_t max_level_ = {}#

The level of the top-most graph in the index. Grows as the logarithm of size, starts from zero.

std::size_t entry_slot_ = {}#

The slot in which the only node of the top-level graph is stored.

buffer_gt<node_t, nodes_allocator_t> nodes_ = {}#

C-style array of node_t smart-pointers.

mutable nodes_mutexes_t nodes_mutexes_ = {}#

Mutex, that limits concurrent access to nodes_.

mutable buffer_gt<context_t, contexts_allocator_t> contexts_ = {}#

Array of thread-specific buffers for temporary data.

Private Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t node_head_bytes_()#

How many bytes of memory are needed to form the “head” of the node.

static inline precomputed_constants_t precompute_(index_config_t const &config) noexcept#
struct add_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline add_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t new_size = {}#
std::size_t visited_members = {}#
std::size_t computed_distances = {}#
std::size_t slot = {}#
struct candidate_t#

A space-efficient internal data-structure used in graph traversal queues.

Public Functions

inline bool operator<(candidate_t other) const noexcept#

Public Members

distance_t distance#
compressed_slot_t slot#
class candidates_iterator_t#

Public Types

using element_t = compressed_slot_t#
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using value_type = element_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = misaligned_ptr_gt<element_t>#
using reference = misaligned_ref_gt<element_t>#

Public Functions

inline reference operator*() const noexcept#
inline candidates_iterator_t(index_gt const &index, neighbors_ref_t neighbors, visits_hash_set_t &visits, std::size_t progress) noexcept#
inline candidates_iterator_t operator++(int) noexcept#
inline candidates_iterator_t &operator++() noexcept#
inline bool operator==(candidates_iterator_t const &other) noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(candidates_iterator_t const &other) noexcept#
inline vector_key_t key() const noexcept#
inline compressed_slot_t slot() const noexcept#

Private Functions

inline candidates_iterator_t &skip_missing() noexcept#

Private Members

index_gt const &index_#
neighbors_ref_t neighbors_#
visits_hash_set_t &visits_#
std::size_t current_#


friend struct candidates_range_t
inline friend std::size_t get_slot(candidates_iterator_t const &it) noexcept#
inline friend vector_key_t get_key(candidates_iterator_t const &it) noexcept#
struct candidates_range_t#

Public Functions

inline candidates_iterator_t begin() const noexcept#
inline candidates_iterator_t end() const noexcept#

Public Members

index_gt const &index#
neighbors_ref_t neighbors#
visits_hash_set_t &visits#
struct cluster_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline cluster_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t visited_members = {}#
std::size_t computed_distances = {}#
match_t cluster = {}#
struct context_t#

A package of all kinds of temporary data-structures, that the threads would reuse to process requests. Similar to having all of those as separate thread_local global variables.

Public Functions

template<typename value_at, typename metric_at, typename entry_at>
inline distance_t measure(value_at const &first, entry_at const &second, metric_at &&metric) noexcept#
template<typename metric_at, typename entry_at>
inline distance_t measure(entry_at const &first, entry_at const &second, metric_at &&metric) noexcept#

Public Members

top_candidates_t top_candidates = {}#
next_candidates_t next_candidates = {}#
visits_hash_set_t visits = {}#
std::default_random_engine level_generator = {}#
std::size_t iteration_cycles = {}#
std::size_t computed_distances_count = {}#
struct copy_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline copy_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error#
index_gt index#
struct match_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Describes a matched search result, augmenting member_cref_t contents with distance to the query object.

Public Functions

inline match_t() noexcept#
inline match_t(member_cref_t member, distance_t distance) noexcept#
inline match_t(match_t &&other) noexcept#
inline match_t(match_t const &other) noexcept#
inline match_t &operator=(match_t const &other) noexcept#
inline match_t &operator=(match_t &&other) noexcept#

Public Members

member_cref_t member#
distance_t distance#
template<typename ref_at, typename index_at>
class member_iterator_gt#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag#
using value_type = ref_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = void#
using reference = ref_t#

Public Functions

inline reference operator*() const noexcept#
inline vector_key_t key() const noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt operator++(int) noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt operator--(int) noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt operator+(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt operator-(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt &operator++() noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt &operator--() noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt &operator+=(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt &operator-=(difference_type d) noexcept#
inline bool operator==(member_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#
inline bool operator!=(member_iterator_gt const &other) const noexcept#

Private Types

using ref_t = ref_at#
using index_t = index_at#

Private Functions

inline member_iterator_gt() noexcept#
inline member_iterator_gt(index_t *index, std::size_t slot) noexcept#

Private Members

index_t *index_ = {}#
std::size_t slot_ = {}#


friend class index_gt
inline friend std::size_t get_slot(member_iterator_gt const &it) noexcept#
inline friend vector_key_t get_key(member_iterator_gt const &it) noexcept#
class neighbors_ref_t#

A slice of the node’s tape, containing a the list of neighbors for a node in a single graph level. It’s pre-allocated to fit as many neighbors “slots”, as may be needed at the target level, and starts with a single integer neighbors_count_t counter.

Public Functions

inline neighbors_ref_t(byte_t *tape) noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt<compressed_slot_t> begin() noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt<compressed_slot_t> end() noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt<compressed_slot_t const> begin() const noexcept#
inline misaligned_ptr_gt<compressed_slot_t const> end() const noexcept#
inline compressed_slot_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline void push_back(compressed_slot_t slot) noexcept#

Private Members

byte_t *tape_#

Private Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t shift(std::size_t i = 0)#
struct node_lock_t#

Public Functions

inline ~node_lock_t() noexcept#

Public Members

nodes_mutexes_t &mutexes#
std::size_t slot#
class node_t#

A loosely-structured handle for every node. One such node is created for every member. To minimize memory usage and maximize the number of entries per cache-line, it only stores to pointers. The internal tape starts with a vector_key_t key, then a level_t for the number of graph levels in which this member appears, then the { neighbors_count_t, compressed_slot_t, compressed_slot_t … } sequences for each-level.

Public Functions

inline explicit node_t(byte_t *tape) noexcept#
inline byte_t *tape() const noexcept#
inline byte_t *neighbors_tape() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
node_t() = default#
node_t(node_t const&) = default#
node_t &operator=(node_t const&) = default#
inline misaligned_ref_gt<vector_key_t const> ckey() const noexcept#
inline misaligned_ref_gt<vector_key_t> key() const noexcept#
inline misaligned_ref_gt<level_t> level() const noexcept#
inline void key(vector_key_t v) noexcept#
inline void level(level_t v) noexcept#

Private Members

byte_t *tape_ = {}#
struct precomputed_constants_t#

Public Members

double inverse_log_connectivity = {}#
std::size_t neighbors_bytes = {}#
std::size_t neighbors_base_bytes = {}#
class search_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline search_result_t() noexcept#
inline search_result_t(search_result_t&&) = default#
inline search_result_t &operator=(search_result_t&&) = default#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline search_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#
inline operator std::size_t() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline bool empty() const noexcept#
inline match_t operator[](std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline match_t front() const noexcept#
inline match_t back() const noexcept#
inline bool contains(vector_key_t key) const noexcept#
inline match_t at(std::size_t i) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t merge_into(vector_key_t *keys, distance_t *distances, std::size_t old_count, std::size_t max_count) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t dump_to(vector_key_t *keys, distance_t *distances) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t dump_to(vector_key_t *keys) const noexcept#

Public Members

std::size_t count = {}#

Number of search results found.

std::size_t visited_members = {}#

Number of graph nodes traversed.

std::size_t computed_distances = {}#

Number of times the distances were computed.

error_t error = {}#

Private Functions

inline search_result_t(index_gt const &index, top_candidates_t &top) noexcept#

Private Members

node_t const *nodes_ = {}#
top_candidates_t const *top_ = {}#


friend class index_gt
struct stats_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t nodes = {}#
std::size_t edges = {}#
std::size_t max_edges = {}#
std::size_t allocated_bytes = {}#
struct join_result_t#
#include <index.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline join_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t intersection_size = {}#
std::size_t engagements = {}#
std::size_t visited_members = {}#
std::size_t computed_distances = {}#





using u40_t = uint40_t#
using f16_native_t = void#
using f16_t = f16_bits_t#
using f64_t = double#
using f32_t = float#
using u64_t = std::uint64_t#
using u32_t = std::uint32_t#
using u16_t = std::uint16_t#
using u8_t = std::uint8_t#
using i64_t = std::int64_t#
using i32_t = std::int32_t#
using i16_t = std::int16_t#
using i8_t = std::int8_t#
using executor_default_t = executor_stl_t#
using aligned_allocator_t = aligned_allocator_gt<>#
using memory_mapping_allocator_t = memory_mapping_allocator_gt<>#
using distance_punned_t = float#
using span_punned_t = span_gt<byte_t const>#
using exact_search_results_t = vectors_view_gt<exact_offset_and_distance_t>#


enum b1x8_t#


enum class metric_kind_t : std::uint8_t#


enumerator unknown_k#
enumerator ip_k#
enumerator cos_k#
enumerator l2sq_k#
enumerator pearson_k#
enumerator haversine_k#
enumerator divergence_k#
enumerator jaccard_k#
enumerator hamming_k#
enumerator tanimoto_k#
enumerator sorensen_k#
enum class scalar_kind_t : std::uint8_t#


enumerator unknown_k#
enumerator b1x8_k#
enumerator u40_k#
enumerator uuid_k#
enumerator f64_k#
enumerator f32_k#
enumerator f16_k#
enumerator f8_k#
enumerator u64_k#
enumerator u32_k#
enumerator u16_k#
enumerator u8_k#
enumerator i64_k#
enumerator i32_k#
enumerator i16_k#
enumerator i8_k#
enum class prefetching_kind_t#


enumerator none_k#
enumerator cpu_k#
enumerator io_uring_k#
enum class metric_punned_signature_t#

The signature of the user-defined function. Can be just two array pointers, precompiled for a specific array length, or include one or two array sizes as 64-bit unsigned integers.


enumerator array_array_k#
enumerator array_array_size_k#
enumerator array_array_state_k#


template<typename scalar_at>
scalar_kind_t scalar_kind() noexcept#
template<typename at>
at angle_to_radians(at angle) noexcept#
template<typename at>
at square(at value) noexcept#
template<typename at, typename compare_at>
inline at clamp(at v, at lo, at hi, compare_at comp) noexcept#
template<typename at>
inline at clamp(at v, at lo, at hi) noexcept#
inline bool str_equals(char const *begin, std::size_t len, char const *other_begin) noexcept#
inline std::size_t bits_per_scalar(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline std::size_t bits_per_scalar_word(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline char const *scalar_kind_name(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline char const *metric_kind_name(metric_kind_t metric) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<scalar_kind_t> scalar_kind_from_name(char const *name, std::size_t len)#
inline expected_gt<scalar_kind_t> scalar_kind_from_name(char const *name)#
inline expected_gt<metric_kind_t> metric_from_name(char const *name, std::size_t len)#
inline expected_gt<metric_kind_t> metric_from_name(char const *name)#
inline float f16_to_f32(std::uint16_t u16) noexcept#
inline std::uint16_t f32_to_f16(float f32) noexcept#
namespace unum
namespace usearch


using u40_t = uint40_t#
using f16_native_t = void#
using f16_t = f16_bits_t#
using f64_t = double#
using f32_t = float#
using u64_t = std::uint64_t#
using u32_t = std::uint32_t#
using u16_t = std::uint16_t#
using u8_t = std::uint8_t#
using i64_t = std::int64_t#
using i32_t = std::int32_t#
using i16_t = std::int16_t#
using i8_t = std::int8_t#
using executor_default_t = executor_stl_t#
using aligned_allocator_t = aligned_allocator_gt<>#
using memory_mapping_allocator_t = memory_mapping_allocator_gt<>#
using distance_punned_t = float#
using span_punned_t = span_gt<byte_t const>#
using exact_search_results_t = vectors_view_gt<exact_offset_and_distance_t>#


enum b1x8_t#


enum class metric_kind_t : std::uint8_t#


enumerator unknown_k#
enumerator ip_k#
enumerator cos_k#
enumerator l2sq_k#
enumerator pearson_k#
enumerator haversine_k#
enumerator divergence_k#
enumerator jaccard_k#
enumerator hamming_k#
enumerator tanimoto_k#
enumerator sorensen_k#
enum class scalar_kind_t : std::uint8_t#


enumerator unknown_k#
enumerator b1x8_k#
enumerator u40_k#
enumerator uuid_k#
enumerator f64_k#
enumerator f32_k#
enumerator f16_k#
enumerator f8_k#
enumerator u64_k#
enumerator u32_k#
enumerator u16_k#
enumerator u8_k#
enumerator i64_k#
enumerator i32_k#
enumerator i16_k#
enumerator i8_k#
enum class prefetching_kind_t#


enumerator none_k#
enumerator cpu_k#
enumerator io_uring_k#
enum class metric_punned_signature_t#

The signature of the user-defined function. Can be just two array pointers, precompiled for a specific array length, or include one or two array sizes as 64-bit unsigned integers.


enumerator array_array_k#
enumerator array_array_size_k#
enumerator array_array_state_k#


template<typename scalar_at>
scalar_kind_t scalar_kind() noexcept#
template<typename at>
at angle_to_radians(at angle) noexcept#
template<typename at>
at square(at value) noexcept#
template<typename at, typename compare_at>
inline at clamp(at v, at lo, at hi, compare_at comp) noexcept#
template<typename at>
inline at clamp(at v, at lo, at hi) noexcept#
inline bool str_equals(char const *begin, std::size_t len, char const *other_begin) noexcept#
inline std::size_t bits_per_scalar(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline std::size_t bits_per_scalar_word(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline char const *scalar_kind_name(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline char const *metric_kind_name(metric_kind_t metric) noexcept#
inline expected_gt<scalar_kind_t> scalar_kind_from_name(char const *name, std::size_t len)#
inline expected_gt<scalar_kind_t> scalar_kind_from_name(char const *name)#
inline expected_gt<metric_kind_t> metric_from_name(char const *name, std::size_t len)#
inline expected_gt<metric_kind_t> metric_from_name(char const *name)#
inline float f16_to_f32(std::uint16_t u16) noexcept#
inline std::uint16_t f32_to_f16(float f32) noexcept#
struct uuid_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Members

std::uint8_t octets[16]#
class f16_bits_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Numeric type for the IEEE 754 half-precision floating point. If hardware support isn’t available, falls back to a hardware agnostic in-software implementation.

Public Functions

inline f16_bits_t() noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t(f16_bits_t&&) = default#
inline f16_bits_t &operator=(f16_bits_t&&) = default#
inline f16_bits_t(f16_bits_t const&) = default#
inline f16_bits_t &operator=(f16_bits_t const&) = default#
inline operator float() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t(i8_converted_t) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t(bool v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t(float v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t(double v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator+(f16_bits_t other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator-(f16_bits_t other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator*(f16_bits_t other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator/(f16_bits_t other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator+(float other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator-(float other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator*(float other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator/(float other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator+(double other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator-(double other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator*(double other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t operator/(double other) const noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t &operator+=(float v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t &operator-=(float v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t &operator*=(float v) noexcept#
inline f16_bits_t &operator/=(float v) noexcept#

Private Members

std::uint16_t uint16_ = {}#
class executor_stl_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

An STL-based executor or a “thread-pool” for parallel execution. Isn’t efficient for small batches, as it recreates the threads on every call.

Public Functions

inline executor_stl_t(std::size_t threads_count = 0) noexcept#

threads_count – The number of threads to be used for parallel execution.

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#

Maximum number of threads available to the executor.

template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void fixed(std::size_t tasks, thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept(false)#

Executes a fixed number of tasks using the specified thread-aware function.

  • tasks – The total number of tasks to be executed.

  • thread_aware_function – The thread-aware function to be called for each thread index and task index.


If – an exception occurs during execution of the thread-aware function.

template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void dynamic(std::size_t tasks, thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept(false)#

Executes limited number of tasks using the specified thread-aware function.

  • tasks – The upper bound on the number of tasks.

  • thread_aware_function – The thread-aware function to be called for each thread index and task index.


If – an exception occurs during execution of the thread-aware function.

template<typename thread_aware_function_at>
inline void parallel(thread_aware_function_at &&thread_aware_function) noexcept(false)#

Saturates every available thread with the given workload, until they finish.


thread_aware_function – The thread-aware function to be called for each thread index.


If – an exception occurs during execution of the thread-aware function.

Private Members

std::size_t threads_count_ = {}#
struct jthread_t#

Public Functions

jthread_t() = default#
jthread_t(jthread_t&&) = default#
jthread_t(jthread_t const&) = delete#
template<typename callable_at>
inline jthread_t(callable_at &&func)#
inline ~jthread_t()#

Public Members

std::thread native_#
template<typename element_at = char, std::size_t alignment_ak = 64>
class aligned_allocator_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Uses OS-specific APIs for aligned memory allocations.

Public Types

using value_type = element_at#
using size_type = std::size_t#
using pointer = element_at*#
using const_pointer = element_at const*#

Public Functions

inline constexpr std::size_t alignment() const#
inline pointer allocate(size_type length) const#
inline void deallocate(pointer begin, size_type) const#
template<typename other_element_at>
struct rebind#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Types

using other = aligned_allocator_gt<other_element_at>#
class page_allocator_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline byte_t *allocate(std::size_t count_bytes) const noexcept#

Allocates an uninitialized block of memory of the specified size.


count_bytes – The number of bytes to allocate.


A pointer to the allocated memory block, or nullptr if allocation fails.

inline void deallocate(byte_t *page_pointer, std::size_t count_bytes) const noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t page_size()#
template<std::size_t alignment_ak = 1>
class memory_mapping_allocator_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Memory-mapping allocator designed for “alloc many, free at once” usage patterns. Thread-safe, except constructors and destructors.

Using this memory allocator won’t affect your overall speed much, as that is not the bottleneck. However, it can drastically improve memory usage especially for huge indexes of small vectors.

Public Types

using value_type = byte_t#
using size_type = std::size_t#
using pointer = byte_t*#
using const_pointer = byte_t const*#

Public Functions

memory_mapping_allocator_gt() = default#
inline memory_mapping_allocator_gt(memory_mapping_allocator_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline memory_mapping_allocator_gt &operator=(memory_mapping_allocator_gt &&other) noexcept#
inline ~memory_mapping_allocator_gt() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#

Discards all previously allocated memory buffers.

inline memory_mapping_allocator_gt(memory_mapping_allocator_gt const&) noexcept#

Copy constructor.


This is a no-op copy constructor since the allocator is not copyable.

inline memory_mapping_allocator_gt &operator=(memory_mapping_allocator_gt const&) noexcept#

Copy assignment operator.


This is a no-op copy assignment operator since the allocator is not copyable.


Reference to the allocator after the assignment.

inline byte_t *allocate(std::size_t count_bytes) noexcept#

Allocates an uninitialized block of memory of the specified size.


count_bytes – The number of bytes to allocate.


A pointer to the allocated memory block, or nullptr if allocation fails.

inline std::size_t total_allocated() const noexcept#

Returns the amount of memory used by the allocator across all arenas.


The amount of space in bytes.

inline std::size_t total_wasted() const noexcept#

Returns the amount of wasted space due to alignment.


The amount of wasted space in bytes.

inline std::size_t total_reserved() const noexcept#

Returns the amount of remaining memory already reserved but not yet used.


The amount of reserved memory in bytes.

inline void deallocate(byte_t* = nullptr, std::size_t = 0) noexcept#


The very first memory de-allocation discards all the arenas!

Private Members

std::mutex mutex_#
byte_t *last_arena_ = nullptr#
std::size_t last_usage_ = head_size()#
std::size_t last_capacity_ = min_capacity()#
std::size_t wasted_space_ = 0#

Private Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t min_capacity()#
static inline constexpr std::size_t capacity_multiplier()#
static inline constexpr std::size_t head_size()#
class unfair_shared_mutex_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

C++11 userspace implementation of an oversimplified std::shared_mutex, that assumes rare interleaving of shared and unique locks. It’s not fair, but requires only a single 32-bit atomic integer to work.

Public Functions

inline void lock() noexcept#
inline void unlock() noexcept#
inline void lock_shared() noexcept#
inline void unlock_shared() noexcept#
inline bool try_escalate() noexcept#

Try upgrades the current lock_shared() to a unique lock() state.

inline void unsafe_escalate() noexcept#

Escalates current lock potentially loosing control in the middle. It’s a shortcut for try_escalate-unlock_shared-lock trio.

inline void escalate() noexcept#

Upgrades the current lock_shared() to a unique lock() state.

inline void de_escalate() noexcept#

De-escalation of a previously escalated state.

Private Types

enum state_t#

Any positive integer describes the number of concurrent readers


enumerator idle_k#
enumerator writing_k#

Private Members

std::atomic<std::int32_t> state_ = {idle_k}#
template<typename mutex_at = unfair_shared_mutex_t>
class shared_lock_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit shared_lock_gt(mutex_at &m) noexcept#
inline ~shared_lock_gt() noexcept#

Private Members

mutex_at &mutex_#
template<typename from_scalar_at, typename to_scalar_at>
struct cast_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Utility class used to cast arrays of one scalar type to another, avoiding unnecessary conversions.

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const *input, std::size_t dim, byte_t *output) const#
struct cast_gt<f32_t, f32_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*) const#
struct cast_gt<f64_t, f64_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*) const#
struct cast_gt<f16_bits_t, f16_bits_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*) const#
struct cast_gt<i8_t, i8_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*) const#
struct cast_gt<b1x8_t, b1x8_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*) const#
template<typename from_scalar_at>
struct cast_gt<from_scalar_at, b1x8_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const *input, std::size_t dim, byte_t *output) const#
template<typename to_scalar_at>
struct cast_gt<b1x8_t, to_scalar_at>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(byte_t const *input, std::size_t dim, byte_t *output) const#
class i8_converted_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Numeric type for uniformly-distributed floating point values within [-1,1] range, quantized to integers [-100,100].

Public Functions

inline i8_converted_t() noexcept#
inline i8_converted_t(bool v) noexcept#
inline i8_converted_t(i8_converted_t&&) = default#
inline i8_converted_t &operator=(i8_converted_t&&) = default#
inline i8_converted_t(i8_converted_t const&) = default#
inline i8_converted_t &operator=(i8_converted_t const&) = default#
inline operator f16_t() const noexcept#
inline operator f32_t() const noexcept#
inline operator f64_t() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator std::int8_t() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator std::int16_t() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator std::int32_t() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator std::int64_t() const noexcept#
inline i8_converted_t(f16_t v)#
inline i8_converted_t(f32_t v)#
inline i8_converted_t(f64_t v)#

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr f32_t divisor_k = 100.f#
static constexpr std::int8_t min_k = -100#
static constexpr std::int8_t max_k = 100#

Private Members

std::int8_t int8_ = {}#
struct cast_gt<i8_t, f16_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<i8_converted_t, f16_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
struct cast_gt<i8_t, f32_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<i8_converted_t, f32_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
struct cast_gt<i8_t, f64_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<i8_converted_t, f64_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
struct cast_gt<f16_t, i8_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<f16_t, i8_converted_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
struct cast_gt<f32_t, i8_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<f32_t, i8_converted_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
struct cast_gt<f64_t, i8_t> : public unum::usearch::cast_gt<f64_t, i8_converted_t>#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = scalar_at>
struct metric_ip_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Inner (Dot) Product distance.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = scalar_at>
struct metric_cos_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Cosine (Angular) distance. Identical to the Inner Product of normalized vectors. Unless you are running on an tiny embedded platform, this metric is recommended over ::metric_ip_gt for low-precision scalars.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = scalar_at>
struct metric_l2sq_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Squared Euclidean (L2) distance. Square root is avoided at the end, as it won’t affect the ordering.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = std::uint64_t, typename result_at = std::size_t>
struct metric_hamming_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Hamming distance computes the number of differing bits in two arrays of integers. An example would be a textual document, tokenized and hashed into a fixed-capacity bitset.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t words) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = std::uint64_t, typename result_at = float>
struct metric_tanimoto_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Tanimoto distance is the intersection over bitwise union. Often used in chemistry and biology to compare molecular fingerprints.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t words) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = std::uint64_t, typename result_at = float>
struct metric_sorensen_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Sorensen-Dice or F1 distance is the intersection over bitwise union. Often used in chemistry and biology to compare molecular fingerprints.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t words) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = std::int32_t, typename result_at = float>
struct metric_jaccard_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Counts the number of matching elements in two unique sorted sets. Can be used to compute the similarity between two textual documents using the IDs of tokens present in them. Similar to metric_tanimoto_gt for dense representations.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t a_length, std::size_t b_length) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = float>
struct metric_pearson_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Measures Pearson Correlation between two sequences in a single pass.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = float>
struct metric_divergence_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Measures Jensen-Shannon Divergence between two probability distributions.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *p, scalar_t const *q, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
struct cos_i8_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Types

using scalar_t = i8_t#
using result_t = f32_t#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(i8_t const *a, i8_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
struct l2sq_i8_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Types

using scalar_t = i8_t#
using result_t = f32_t#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(i8_t const *a, i8_t const *b, std::size_t dim) const noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at = float, typename result_at = scalar_at>
struct metric_haversine_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Haversine distance for the shortest distance between two nodes on the surface of a 3D sphere, defined with latitude and longitude.

Public Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#
using result_t = result_at#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(scalar_t const *a, scalar_t const *b, std::size_t = 2) const noexcept#
class metric_punned_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Type-punned metric class, which unlike STL’s std::function avoids any memory allocations. It also provides additional APIs to check, if SIMD hardware-acceleration is available. Wraps the simsimd_metric_punned_t when available. The auto-vectorized backend otherwise.

Public Types

using scalar_t = byte_t#
using result_t = distance_punned_t#

Public Functions

inline result_t operator()(byte_t const *a, byte_t const *b) const noexcept#

Computes the distance between two vectors of fixed length.

! This is the only relevant function in the object. Everything else is just dynamic dispatch logic.

inline metric_punned_t() noexcept = default#
inline metric_punned_t(metric_punned_t const&) noexcept = default#
inline metric_punned_t &operator=(metric_punned_t const&) noexcept = default#
inline metric_punned_t(std::size_t dimensions, metric_kind_t metric_kind = metric_kind_t::l2sq_k, scalar_kind_t scalar_kind = scalar_kind_t::f32_k) noexcept#
inline metric_punned_t(std::size_t dimensions, std::uintptr_t metric_uintptr, metric_punned_signature_t signature, metric_kind_t metric_kind, scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#
inline std::size_t dimensions() const noexcept#
inline metric_kind_t metric_kind() const noexcept#
inline scalar_kind_t scalar_kind() const noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline bool missing() const noexcept#

Checks fi we’ve failed to initialized the metric with provided arguments.

It’s different from operator bool() when it comes to explicitly uninitialized metrics. It’s a common case, where a NULL state is created only to be overwritten later, when we recover an old index state from a file or a network.

inline char const *isa_name() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t bytes_per_vector() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t scalar_words() const noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline metric_punned_t builtin(std::size_t dimensions, metric_kind_t metric_kind = metric_kind_t::l2sq_k, scalar_kind_t scalar_kind = scalar_kind_t::f32_k) noexcept#

Creates a metric of a natively supported kind, choosing the best available backend internally or from SimSIMD.

  • dimensions – The number of elements in the input arrays.

  • metric_kind – The kind of metric to use.

  • scalar_kind – The kind of scalar to use.


A metric object that can be used to compute distances between vectors.

static inline metric_punned_t stateless(std::size_t dimensions, std::uintptr_t metric_uintptr, metric_punned_signature_t signature, metric_kind_t metric_kind, scalar_kind_t scalar_kind) noexcept#

Creates a metric using the provided function pointer for a stateless metric. So the provided ::metric_uintptr is a pointer to a function that takes two arrays and returns a scalar. If the ::signature is metric_punned_signature_t::array_array_size_k, then the third argument is the number of scalar words in the input vectors.

  • dimensions – The number of elements in the input arrays.

  • metric_uintptr – The function pointer to the metric function.

  • signature – The signature of the metric function.

  • metric_kind – The kind of metric to use.

  • scalar_kind – The kind of scalar to use.


A metric object that can be used to compute distances between vectors.

static inline metric_punned_t statefull(std::uintptr_t metric_uintptr, std::uintptr_t metric_state, metric_kind_t metric_kind = metric_kind_t::unknown_k, scalar_kind_t scalar_kind = scalar_kind_t::unknown_k) noexcept#

Creates a metric using the provided function pointer for a statefull metric. The third argument is the state that will be passed to the metric function.

  • metric_uintptr – The function pointer to the metric function.

  • metric_state – The state to pass to the metric function.

  • metric_kind – The kind of metric to use.

  • scalar_kind – The kind of scalar to use.


A metric object that can be used to compute distances between vectors.

Private Types

using uptr_t = std::size_t#

In the generalized function API all the are arguments are pointer-sized.

using metric_array_array_t = result_t (*)(uptr_t, uptr_t)#

Distance function that takes two arrays and returns a scalar.

using metric_array_array_size_t = result_t (*)(uptr_t, uptr_t, uptr_t)#

Distance function that takes two arrays and their length and returns a scalar.

using metric_array_array_state_t = result_t (*)(uptr_t, uptr_t, uptr_t)#

Distance function that takes two arrays and some callback state and returns a scalar.

using metric_rounted_t = result_t (metric_punned_t::*)(uptr_t, uptr_t) const#

Distance function callback, like metric_array_array_size_t, but depends on member variables.

Private Functions

inline bool configure_with_simsimd() noexcept#
inline result_t invoke_array_array_third(uptr_t a, uptr_t b) const noexcept#
inline result_t invoke_array_array(uptr_t a, uptr_t b) const noexcept#
inline void configure_with_autovec() noexcept#

Private Members

metric_rounted_t metric_routed_ = nullptr#
uptr_t metric_ptr_ = 0#
uptr_t metric_third_arg_ = 0#
std::size_t dimensions_ = 0#
metric_kind_t metric_kind_ = metric_kind_t::unknown_k#
scalar_kind_t scalar_kind_ = scalar_kind_t::unknown_k#

Private Static Functions

template<typename typed_at>
static inline result_t equidimensional_(uptr_t a, uptr_t b, uptr_t a_dimensions) noexcept#
template<typename scalar_at>
class vectors_view_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

View over a potentially-strided memory buffer, containing a row-major matrix.

Public Functions

vectors_view_gt() noexcept = default#
vectors_view_gt(vectors_view_gt const&) noexcept = default#
vectors_view_gt &operator=(vectors_view_gt const&) noexcept = default#
inline vectors_view_gt(scalar_t const *begin, std::size_t dimensions, std::size_t count = 1) noexcept#
inline vectors_view_gt(scalar_t const *begin, std::size_t dimensions, std::size_t count, std::size_t stride_bytes) noexcept#
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t dimensions() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t stride() const noexcept#
inline scalar_t const *data() const noexcept#
inline scalar_t const *at(std::size_t i) const noexcept#

Private Types

using scalar_t = scalar_at#

Private Members

scalar_t const *begin_ = {}#
std::size_t dimensions_ = {}#
std::size_t count_ = {}#
std::size_t stride_bytes_ = {}#
struct exact_offset_and_distance_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Members

u32_t offset#
f32_t distance#
class exact_search_t#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Helper-structure for exact search operations. Perfect if you have <1M vectors and <100 queries per call.

Uses a 3-step procedure to minimize:

  • cache-misses on vector lookups,

  • multi-threaded contention on concurrent writes.

Public Functions

template<typename scalar_at, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline exact_search_results_t operator()(vectors_view_gt<scalar_at> dataset, vectors_view_gt<scalar_at> queries, std::size_t wanted, metric_punned_t const &metric, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{})#
template<typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline exact_search_results_t operator()(byte_t const *dataset_data, std::size_t dataset_count, std::size_t dataset_stride, byte_t const *queries_data, std::size_t queries_count, std::size_t queries_stride, std::size_t wanted, metric_punned_t const &metric, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{})#

Private Types

using keys_and_distances_t = buffer_gt<exact_offset_and_distance_t>#

Private Members

keys_and_distances_t keys_and_distances#

Private Static Functions

static inline bool smaller_distance(exact_offset_and_distance_t a, exact_offset_and_distance_t b) noexcept#
template<typename element_at, typename hash_at, typename equals_at, typename allocator_at = std::allocator<char>>
class flat_hash_multi_set_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

C++11 Multi-Hash-Set with Linear Probing.

  • Allows multiple equivalent values,

  • Supports transparent hashing and equality operator.

  • Doesn’t throw exceptions, if forbidden.

  • Doesn’t need reserving a value for deletions.


For every slot we store 2 extra bits for 3 possible states: empty, populated, or deleted. With linear probing the hashes at the end of the populated region will spill into its first half.

Public Types

using element_t = element_at#
using hash_t = hash_at#
using equals_t = equals_at#
using allocator_t = allocator_at#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t capacity() const noexcept#
inline flat_hash_multi_set_gt() noexcept#
inline ~flat_hash_multi_set_gt() noexcept#
inline flat_hash_multi_set_gt(flat_hash_multi_set_gt const &other)#
inline flat_hash_multi_set_gt &operator=(flat_hash_multi_set_gt const &other)#
inline void clear() noexcept#
inline void reset() noexcept#
inline bool try_reserve(std::size_t capacity) noexcept#
template<typename query_at>
inline std::pair<equal_iterator_gt<query_at>, equal_iterator_gt<query_at>> equal_range(query_at const &query) const noexcept#

Returns an iterator range of all elements matching the given query.

Technically, the second iterator points to the first empty slot after a range of equal values and non-equal values with similar hashes.

template<typename similar_at>
inline bool pop_first(similar_at &&query, element_t &popped_value) noexcept#
template<typename similar_at>
inline std::size_t erase(similar_at &&query) noexcept#
template<typename similar_at>
inline element_t const *find(similar_at &&query) const noexcept#
inline element_t const *end() const noexcept#
template<typename func_at>
inline void for_each(func_at &&func) const#
template<typename similar_at>
inline std::size_t count(similar_at &&query) const noexcept#
template<typename similar_at>
inline bool contains(similar_at &&query) const noexcept#
inline void reserve(std::size_t capacity)#
inline bool try_emplace(element_t const &element) noexcept#

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t slots_per_bucket()#
static inline constexpr std::size_t bytes_per_bucket()#

Private Functions

inline slot_ref_t slot_ref(char *data, std::size_t slot_index) const noexcept#
inline slot_ref_t slot_ref(std::size_t slot_index) const noexcept#
inline bool populate_slot(slot_ref_t slot, element_t const &new_element)#

Private Members

char *data_ = nullptr#
std::size_t buckets_ = 0#
std::size_t populated_slots_ = 0#
std::size_t capacity_slots_ = 0#

Number of slots.

struct bucket_header_t#

Public Members

std::uint64_t populated = {}#
std::uint64_t deleted = {}#
template<typename query_at>
class equal_iterator_gt#
#include <index_plugins.hpp>

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#
using value_type = element_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = element_t*#
using reference = element_t&#

Public Functions

inline equal_iterator_gt(std::size_t index, flat_hash_multi_set_gt *parent, query_at const &query, equals_t const &equals)#
inline equal_iterator_gt &operator++()#
inline equal_iterator_gt operator++(int)#
inline reference operator*()#
inline pointer operator->()#
inline bool operator!=(equal_iterator_gt const &other) const#
inline bool operator==(equal_iterator_gt const &other) const#

Private Members

std::size_t index_#
flat_hash_multi_set_gt *parent_#
query_at query_#
equals_t equals_#
struct slot_ref_t#

Public Members

bucket_header_t &header#
std::uint64_t mask#
element_t &element#


Single-header Vector Search engine for equi-dimensional dense vectors.


Ash Vardanian


July 26, 2023


using index_dense_head_buffer_t = byte_t[64]#
using index_dense_t = index_dense_gt<>#
using index_dense_big_t = index_dense_gt<uuid_t, uint40_t>#


constexpr char const *default_magic()#

The “magic” sequence helps infer the type of the file. USearch indexes start with the “usearch” string.

inline index_dense_metadata_result_t index_dense_metadata_from_path(char const *file_path) noexcept#

Extracts metadata from a pre-constructed index on disk, without loading it or mapping the whole binary file.

inline index_dense_metadata_result_t index_dense_metadata_from_buffer(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0) noexcept#

Extracts metadata from a pre-constructed index serialized into an in-memory buffer.

template<typename men_key_at, typename women_key_at, typename men_slot_at, typename women_slot_at, typename man_to_woman_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename woman_to_man_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
static join_result_t join(index_dense_gt<men_key_at, men_slot_at> const &men, index_dense_gt<women_key_at, women_slot_at> const &women, index_join_config_t config = {}, man_to_woman_at &&man_to_woman = man_to_woman_at{}, woman_to_man_at &&woman_to_man = woman_to_man_at{}, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) noexcept#

Adapts the Male-Optimal Stable Marriage algorithm for unequal sets to perform fast one-to-one matching between two large collections of vectors, using approximate nearest neighbors search.

  • man_to_woman[inout] Container to map ::first keys to ::second.

  • woman_to_man[inout] Container to map ::second keys to ::first.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

namespace unum
namespace usearch


using index_dense_head_buffer_t = byte_t[64]#
using index_dense_t = index_dense_gt<>#
using index_dense_big_t = index_dense_gt<uuid_t, uint40_t>#


constexpr char const *default_magic()#

The “magic” sequence helps infer the type of the file. USearch indexes start with the “usearch” string.

inline index_dense_metadata_result_t index_dense_metadata_from_path(char const *file_path) noexcept#

Extracts metadata from a pre-constructed index on disk, without loading it or mapping the whole binary file.

inline index_dense_metadata_result_t index_dense_metadata_from_buffer(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0) noexcept#

Extracts metadata from a pre-constructed index serialized into an in-memory buffer.

template<typename men_key_at, typename women_key_at, typename men_slot_at, typename women_slot_at, typename man_to_woman_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename woman_to_man_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
static join_result_t join(index_dense_gt<men_key_at, men_slot_at> const &men, index_dense_gt<women_key_at, women_slot_at> const &women, index_join_config_t config = {}, man_to_woman_at &&man_to_woman = man_to_woman_at{}, woman_to_man_at &&woman_to_man = woman_to_man_at{}, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) noexcept#

Adapts the Male-Optimal Stable Marriage algorithm for unequal sets to perform fast one-to-one matching between two large collections of vectors, using approximate nearest neighbors search.

  • man_to_woman[inout] Container to map ::first keys to ::second.

  • woman_to_man[inout] Container to map ::second keys to ::first.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

template<typename key_at = default_key_t, typename compressed_slot_at = default_slot_t>
class index_dense_gt#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Oversimplified type-punned index for equidimensional vectors with automatic down-casting, hardware-specific SIMD metrics, and ability to remove existing vectors, common in Semantic Caching applications.


The serialized binary form of index_dense_gt is made up of three parts:

  1. Binary matrix, aka the .bbin part,

  2. Metadata about used metrics, number of used vs free slots,

  3. The HNSW index in a binary form. The first (1.) generally starts with 2 integers - number of rows (vectors) and single-byte columns. The second (2.) starts with “usearch”-magic-string, used to infer the file type on open. The third (3.) is implemented by the underlying index_gt class.

Public Types

using vector_key_t = key_at#
using key_t = vector_key_t#
using compressed_slot_t = compressed_slot_at#
using distance_t = distance_punned_t#
using metric_t = metric_punned_t#
using member_ref_t = member_ref_gt<vector_key_t>#
using member_cref_t = member_cref_gt<vector_key_t>#
using head_t = index_dense_head_t#
using head_buffer_t = index_dense_head_buffer_t#
using head_result_t = index_dense_head_result_t#
using serialization_config_t = index_dense_serialization_config_t#
using dynamic_allocator_t = aligned_allocator_gt<byte_t, 64>#
using tape_allocator_t = memory_mapping_allocator_gt<64>#
using search_result_t = typename index_t::search_result_t#
using cluster_result_t = typename index_t::cluster_result_t#
using add_result_t = typename index_t::add_result_t#
using stats_t = typename index_t::stats_t#
using match_t = typename index_t::match_t#

Public Functions

index_dense_gt() = default#
inline index_dense_gt(index_dense_gt &&other)#
inline index_dense_gt &operator=(index_dense_gt &&other)#
inline void swap(index_dense_gt &other)#

Swaps the contents of this index with another index.


other – The other index to swap with.

inline ~index_dense_gt()#
inline explicit operator bool() const#
inline std::size_t connectivity() const#
inline std::size_t size() const#
inline std::size_t capacity() const#
inline std::size_t max_level() const noexcept#
inline index_dense_config_t const &config() const#
inline index_limits_t const &limits() const#
inline bool multi() const#
inline metric_t const &metric() const#
inline void change_metric(metric_t metric)#
inline scalar_kind_t scalar_kind() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t bytes_per_vector() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t scalar_words() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t dimensions() const noexcept#
inline std::size_t expansion_add() const#
inline std::size_t expansion_search() const#
inline void change_expansion_add(std::size_t n)#
inline void change_expansion_search(std::size_t n)#
inline member_citerator_t cbegin() const#
inline member_citerator_t cend() const#
inline member_citerator_t begin() const#
inline member_citerator_t end() const#
inline member_iterator_t begin()#
inline member_iterator_t end()#
inline stats_t stats() const#
inline stats_t stats(std::size_t level) const#
inline stats_t stats(stats_t *stats_per_level, std::size_t max_level) const#
inline dynamic_allocator_t const &allocator() const#
inline vector_key_t const &free_key() const#
inline std::size_t memory_usage() const#

A relatively accurate lower bound on the amount of memory consumed by the system. In practice it’s error will be below 10%.

See also

serialized_length for the length of the binary serialized representation.

inline add_result_t add(vector_key_t key, b1x8_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool force_vector_copy = true)#
inline add_result_t add(vector_key_t key, i8_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool force_vector_copy = true)#
inline add_result_t add(vector_key_t key, f16_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool force_vector_copy = true)#
inline add_result_t add(vector_key_t key, f32_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool force_vector_copy = true)#
inline add_result_t add(vector_key_t key, f64_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool force_vector_copy = true)#
inline search_result_t search(b1x8_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
inline search_result_t search(i8_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
inline search_result_t search(f16_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
inline search_result_t search(f32_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
inline search_result_t search(f64_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
template<typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t filtered_search(b1x8_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
template<typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t filtered_search(i8_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
template<typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t filtered_search(f16_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
template<typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t filtered_search(f32_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
template<typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t filtered_search(f64_t const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread = any_thread(), bool exact = false) const#
inline std::size_t get(vector_key_t key, b1x8_t *vector, std::size_t vectors_count = 1) const#
inline std::size_t get(vector_key_t key, i8_t *vector, std::size_t vectors_count = 1) const#
inline std::size_t get(vector_key_t key, f16_t *vector, std::size_t vectors_count = 1) const#
inline std::size_t get(vector_key_t key, f32_t *vector, std::size_t vectors_count = 1) const#
inline std::size_t get(vector_key_t key, f64_t *vector, std::size_t vectors_count = 1) const#
inline cluster_result_t cluster(b1x8_t const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline cluster_result_t cluster(i8_t const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline cluster_result_t cluster(f16_t const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline cluster_result_t cluster(f32_t const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline cluster_result_t cluster(f64_t const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t key, b1x8_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t key, i8_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t key, f16_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t key, f32_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t key, f64_t const *vector, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between(vector_key_t a, vector_key_t b, std::size_t = any_thread()) const#

Computes the distance between two managed entities. If either key maps into more than one vector, will aggregate results exporting the mean, maximum, and minimum values.

inline cluster_result_t cluster(vector_key_t key, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread = any_thread()) const#

Identifies a node in a given level, that is the closest to the key.

inline bool reserve(index_limits_t limits)#

Reserves memory for the index and the keyed lookup.


true if the memory reservation was successful, false otherwise.

inline void clear()#

Erases all the vectors from the index.

Will change size() to zero, but will keep the same capacity(). Will keep the number of available threads/contexts the same as it was.

inline void reset()#

Erases all members from index, closing files, and returning RAM to OS.

Will change both size() and capacity() to zero. Will deallocate all threads/contexts. If the index is memory-mapped - releases the mapping and the descriptor.

template<typename output_callback_at, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save_to_stream(output_callback_at &&output, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {}) const#

Saves serialized binary index representation to a stream.

inline std::size_t serialized_length(serialization_config_t config = {}) const noexcept#

Estimate the binary length (in bytes) of the serialized index.

template<typename input_callback_at, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load_from_stream(input_callback_at &&input, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {})#

Parses the index from file to RAM.

  • path[in] The path to the file.

  • config[in] Configuration parameters for imports.


Outcome descriptor explicitly convertible to boolean.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t view(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {})#

Parses the index from file, without loading it into RAM.

  • path[in] The path to the file.

  • config[in] Configuration parameters for imports.


Outcome descriptor explicitly convertible to boolean.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(output_file_t file, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {}) const#

Saves the index to a file.

  • path[in] The path to the file.

  • config[in] Configuration parameters for exports.


Outcome descriptor explicitly convertible to boolean.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {}) const#

Memory-maps the serialized binary index representation from disk, without copying data into RAM, and fetching it on-demand.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(input_file_t file, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {})#

Parses the index from file to RAM.

  • path[in] The path to the file.

  • config[in] Configuration parameters for imports.


Outcome descriptor explicitly convertible to boolean.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(memory_mapped_file_t file, std::size_t offset = 0, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {})#

Memory-maps the serialized binary index representation from disk, without copying data into RAM, and fetching it on-demand.

template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t save(char const *file_path, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {}) const#
template<typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline serialization_result_t load(char const *file_path, serialization_config_t config = {}, progress_at &&progress = {})#
inline bool contains(vector_key_t key) const#

Checks if a vector with specified key is present.


true if the key is present in the index, false otherwise.

inline std::size_t count(vector_key_t key) const#

Count the number of vectors with specified key present.


Zero if nothing is found, a positive integer otherwise.

inline labeling_result_t remove(vector_key_t key)#

Removes an entry with the specified key from the index.


key[in] The key of the entry to remove.


The ::labeling_result_t indicating the result of the removal operation. If the removal was successful, result.completed will be true. If the key was not found in the index, result.completed will be false. If an error occurred during the removal operation, result.error will contain an error message.

template<typename keys_iterator_at>
inline labeling_result_t remove(keys_iterator_at keys_begin, keys_iterator_at keys_end)#

Removes multiple entries with the specified keys from the index.

  • keys_begin[in] The beginning of the keys range.

  • keys_end[in] The ending of the keys range.


The ::labeling_result_t indicating the result of the removal operation. result.completed will contain the number of keys that were successfully removed. result.error will contain an error message if an error occurred during the removal operation.

inline labeling_result_t rename(vector_key_t from, vector_key_t to)#

Renames an entry with the specified key to a new key.

  • from[in] The current key of the entry to rename.

  • to[in] The new key to assign to the entry.


The ::labeling_result_t indicating the result of the rename operation. If the rename was successful, result.completed will be true. If the entry with the current key was not found, result.completed will be false.

inline void export_keys(vector_key_t *keys, std::size_t offset, std::size_t limit) const#

Exports a range of keys for the vectors present in the index.

  • keys[out] Pointer to the array where the keys will be exported.

  • offset[in] The number of keys to skip. Useful for pagination.

  • limit[in] The maximum number of keys to export, that can fit in ::keys.

inline copy_result_t copy(index_dense_copy_config_t config = {}) const#

Copies the ::index_dense_gt with all the data in it.


config – The copy configuration (optional).


A copy of the ::index_dense_gt instance.

inline copy_result_t fork() const#

Copies the ::index_dense_gt model without any data.


A similarly configured ::index_dense_gt instance.

template<typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline compaction_result_t isolate(executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{})#

Performs compaction on the index, pruning links to removed entries.

  • executor – The executor parallel processing. Default ::dummy_executor_t single-threaded.

  • progress – The progress tracker instance to use. Default ::dummy_progress_t reports nothing.


The ::compaction_result_t indicating the result of the compaction operation. result.pruned_edges will contain the number of edges that were removed. result.error will contain an error message if an error occurred during the compaction operation.

template<typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline compaction_result_t compact(executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{})#

Performs compaction on the index, pruning links to removed entries.

  • executor – The executor parallel processing. Default ::dummy_executor_t single-threaded.

  • progress – The progress tracker instance to use. Default ::dummy_progress_t reports nothing.


The ::compaction_result_t indicating the result of the compaction operation. result.pruned_edges will contain the number of edges that were removed. result.error will contain an error message if an error occurred during the compaction operation.

template<typename man_to_woman_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename woman_to_man_at = dummy_key_to_key_mapping_t, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline join_result_t join(index_dense_gt const &women, index_join_config_t config = {}, man_to_woman_at &&man_to_woman = man_to_woman_at{}, woman_to_man_at &&woman_to_man = woman_to_man_at{}, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{}) const#
template<typename queries_iterator_at, typename executor_at = dummy_executor_t, typename progress_at = dummy_progress_t>
inline clustering_result_t cluster(queries_iterator_at queries_begin, queries_iterator_at queries_end, index_dense_clustering_config_t config, vector_key_t *cluster_keys, distance_t *cluster_distances, executor_at &&executor = executor_at{}, progress_at &&progress = progress_at{})#

Implements clustering, classifying the given objects (vectors of member keys) into a given number of clusters.

  • queries_begin[in] Iterator pointing to the first query.

  • queries_end[in] Iterator pointing to the last query.

  • executor[in] Thread-pool to execute the job in parallel.

  • progress[in] Callback to report the execution progress.

  • config[in] Configuration parameters for clustering.

  • cluster_keys[out] Pointer to the array where the cluster keys will be exported.

  • cluster_distances[out] Pointer to the array where the distances to those centroids will be exported.

Public Static Functions

static inline index_dense_gt make(metric_t metric, index_dense_config_t config = {}, vector_key_t free_key = default_free_value<vector_key_t>())#

Constructs an instance of ::index_dense_gt.

  • metric[in] One of the provided or an ad-hoc metric, type-punned.

  • config[in] The index configuration (optional).

  • free_key[in] The key used for freed vectors (optional).


An instance of ::index_dense_gt.

static inline index_dense_gt make(char const *path, bool view = false)#
static inline constexpr std::size_t any_thread()#
static inline constexpr distance_t infinite_distance()#

Private Types

using cast_t = std::function<bool(byte_t const*, std::size_t, byte_t*)>#

Schema: input buffer, bytes in input buffer, output buffer.

using index_t = index_gt<distance_t, vector_key_t, compressed_slot_t, dynamic_allocator_t, tape_allocator_t>#

Punned index.

using index_allocator_t = aligned_allocator_gt<index_t, 64>#
using member_iterator_t = typename index_t::member_iterator_t#
using member_citerator_t = typename index_t::member_citerator_t#
using vectors_tape_allocator_t = memory_mapping_allocator_gt<8>#
using shared_mutex_t = unfair_shared_mutex_t#
using shared_lock_t = shared_lock_gt<shared_mutex_t>#
using unique_lock_t = std::unique_lock<shared_mutex_t>#

Private Functions

inline thread_lock_t thread_lock_(std::size_t thread_id) const#
inline void thread_unlock_(std::size_t thread_id) const#
template<typename scalar_at>
inline add_result_t add_(vector_key_t key, scalar_at const *vector, std::size_t thread, bool force_vector_copy, cast_t const &cast)#
template<typename scalar_at, typename predicate_at>
inline search_result_t search_(scalar_at const *vector, std::size_t wanted, predicate_at &&predicate, std::size_t thread, bool exact, cast_t const &cast) const#
template<typename scalar_at>
inline cluster_result_t cluster_(scalar_at const *vector, std::size_t level, std::size_t thread, cast_t const &cast) const#
template<typename scalar_at>
inline aggregated_distances_t distance_between_(vector_key_t key, scalar_at const *vector, std::size_t thread, cast_t const &cast) const#
inline void reindex_keys_()#
template<typename scalar_at>
inline std::size_t get_(vector_key_t key, scalar_at *reconstructed, std::size_t vectors_limit, cast_t const &cast) const#

Private Members

index_dense_config_t config_#
index_t *typed_ = nullptr#
mutable std::vector<byte_t> cast_buffer_#
struct unum::usearch::index_dense_gt::casts_t casts_#
metric_t metric_#

An instance of a potentially stateful metric_t used to initialize copies and forks.

vectors_tape_allocator_t vectors_tape_allocator_#

Allocator for the copied vectors, aligned to widest double-precision scalars.

mutable std::vector<byte_t*> vectors_lookup_#

For every managed compressed_slot_t stores a pointer to the allocated vector copy.

mutable std::vector<std::size_t> available_threads_#

Originally forms and array of integers [0, threads], marking all.

mutable std::mutex available_threads_mutex_#

Mutex, controlling concurrent access to available_threads_.

flat_hash_multi_set_gt<key_and_slot_t, lookup_key_hash_t, lookup_key_same_t> slot_lookup_#

Multi-Map from keys to IDs, and allocated vectors.

mutable shared_mutex_t slot_lookup_mutex_#

Mutex, controlling concurrent access to slot_lookup_.

ring_gt<compressed_slot_t> free_keys_#

Ring-shaped queue of deleted entries, to be reused on future insertions.

mutable std::mutex free_keys_mutex_#

Mutex, controlling concurrent access to free_keys_.

vector_key_t free_key_ = default_free_value<vector_key_t>()#

A constant for the reserved key value, used to mark deleted entries.

Private Static Functions

template<typename to_scalar_at>
static inline casts_t make_casts_()#
static inline casts_t make_casts_(scalar_kind_t scalar_kind)#
struct aggregated_distances_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Members

std::size_t count = 0#
distance_t mean = infinite_distance()#
distance_t min = infinite_distance()#
distance_t max = infinite_distance()#
struct casts_t#

Public Members

cast_t from_b1x8#
cast_t from_i8#
cast_t from_f16#
cast_t from_f32#
cast_t from_f64#
cast_t to_b1x8#
cast_t to_i8#
cast_t to_f16#
cast_t to_f32#
cast_t to_f64#
struct clustering_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline clustering_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t clusters = {}#
std::size_t visited_members = {}#
std::size_t computed_distances = {}#
struct compaction_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline compaction_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t pruned_edges = {}#
struct copy_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline copy_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

index_dense_gt index#
error_t error#
struct key_and_slot_t#

Public Functions

inline bool any_slot() const#

Public Members

vector_key_t key#
compressed_slot_t slot#

Public Static Functions

static inline key_and_slot_t any_slot(vector_key_t key)#
struct labeling_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline labeling_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

error_t error = {}#
std::size_t completed = {}#
struct lookup_key_hash_t#

Public Types

using is_transparent = void#

Public Functions

inline std::size_t operator()(key_and_slot_t const &k) const noexcept#
inline std::size_t operator()(vector_key_t const &k) const noexcept#
struct lookup_key_same_t#

Public Types

using is_transparent = void#

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(key_and_slot_t const &a, vector_key_t const &b) const noexcept#
inline bool operator()(vector_key_t const &a, key_and_slot_t const &b) const noexcept#
inline bool operator()(key_and_slot_t const &a, key_and_slot_t const &b) const noexcept#
class metric_proxy_t#

Punned metric object.

Public Functions

inline metric_proxy_t(index_dense_gt const &index) noexcept#
inline distance_t operator()(byte_t const *a, member_cref_t b) const noexcept#
inline distance_t operator()(member_cref_t a, member_cref_t b) const noexcept#
inline distance_t operator()(byte_t const *a, member_citerator_t b) const noexcept#
inline distance_t operator()(member_citerator_t a, member_citerator_t b) const noexcept#
inline distance_t operator()(byte_t const *a, byte_t const *b) const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *v(member_cref_t m) const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *v(member_citerator_t m) const noexcept#
inline distance_t f(byte_t const *a, byte_t const *b) const noexcept#

Private Members

index_dense_gt const *index_ = nullptr#
struct thread_lock_t#

Public Functions

inline ~thread_lock_t()#

Public Members

index_dense_gt const &parent#
std::size_t thread_id#
bool engaged#
class values_proxy_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline values_proxy_t(index_dense_gt const &index) noexcept#
inline byte_t const *operator[](compressed_slot_t slot) const noexcept#
inline byte_t const *operator[](member_citerator_t it) const noexcept#

Private Members

index_dense_gt const *index_#
struct index_dense_head_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Serialized binary representations of the USearch index start with metadata. Metadata is parsed into a index_dense_head_t, containing the USearch package version, and the properties of the index.

It uses: 13 bytes for file versioning, 22 bytes for structural information = 35 bytes. The following 24 bytes contain binary size of the graph, of the vectors, and the checksum, leaving 5 bytes at the end vacant.

Public Types

using magic_t = char[7]#
using version_t = std::uint16_t#

Public Functions

inline index_dense_head_t(byte_t *ptr) noexcept#

Public Members

char const *magic#
misaligned_ref_gt<version_t> version_major#
misaligned_ref_gt<version_t> version_minor#
misaligned_ref_gt<version_t> version_patch#
misaligned_ref_gt<metric_kind_t> kind_metric#
misaligned_ref_gt<scalar_kind_t> kind_scalar#
misaligned_ref_gt<scalar_kind_t> kind_key#
misaligned_ref_gt<scalar_kind_t> kind_compressed_slot#
misaligned_ref_gt<std::uint64_t> count_present#
misaligned_ref_gt<std::uint64_t> count_deleted#
misaligned_ref_gt<std::uint64_t> dimensions#
misaligned_ref_gt<bool> multi#
struct index_dense_head_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline index_dense_head_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#

Public Members

index_dense_head_buffer_t buffer#
index_dense_head_t head#
error_t error#
struct index_dense_config_t : public unum::usearch::index_config_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline index_dense_config_t(index_config_t base) noexcept#
inline index_dense_config_t(std::size_t c = default_connectivity(), std::size_t ea = default_expansion_add(), std::size_t es = default_expansion_search()) noexcept#

Public Members

std::size_t expansion_add = default_expansion_add()#
std::size_t expansion_search = default_expansion_search()#
bool exclude_vectors = false#
bool multi = false#
bool enable_key_lookups = true#

Allows you to reduce RAM consumption by avoiding reverse-indexing keys-to-vectors, and only keeping the vectors-to-keys mappings.

! This configuration parameter doesn’t affect the serialized file, ! and is not preserved between runs. Makes sense for small vector ! representations that fit ina single cache line.

struct index_dense_clustering_config_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Types

enum mode_t#


enumerator merge_smallest_k#
enumerator merge_closest_k#

Public Members

std::size_t min_clusters = 0#
std::size_t max_clusters = 0#
enum unum::usearch::index_dense_clustering_config_t::mode_t mode = merge_smallest_k#
struct index_dense_serialization_config_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Members

bool exclude_vectors = false#
bool use_64_bit_dimensions = false#
struct index_dense_copy_config_t : public unum::usearch::index_copy_config_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

index_dense_copy_config_t() = default#
inline index_dense_copy_config_t(index_copy_config_t base) noexcept#

Public Members

bool force_vector_copy = true#
struct index_dense_metadata_result_t#
#include <index_dense.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept#
inline index_dense_metadata_result_t failed(error_t message) noexcept#
inline index_dense_metadata_result_t() noexcept#
inline index_dense_metadata_result_t(index_dense_metadata_result_t &&other) noexcept#
inline index_dense_metadata_result_t &operator=(index_dense_metadata_result_t &&other) noexcept#