
Summation Examples and Benchmarks#

The simplest possible endpoint after hello-world and echo, is probably sum. We would just accept two numbers and return their aggregate. Packets are tiny, so it is great for benchmarking the request latency.

Reproducing Benchmarks#


pip install uvicorn fastapi websocket-client requests tqdm fire
cd examples && uvicorn sum.fastapi_server:app --log-level critical &
cd ..
python examples/ "fastapi_client.ClientREST" --progress
python examples/ "fastapi_client.ClientWebSocket" --progress
kill %%

Want to dispatch more clients and aggregate statistics?

python examples/ "fastapi_client.ClientREST" --threads 8
python examples/ "fastapi_client.ClientWebSocket" --threads 8


UCall can produce both a POSIX compliant old-school server, and a modern io_uring-based version for Linux kernel 5.19 and newer. You would either run ucall_example_sum_posix or ucall_example_sum_uring.

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ build-essential
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B ./build_release  && make -C ./build_release
./build_release/build/bin/ucall_example_sum_posix &
./build_release/build/bin/ucall_example_sum_uring &
python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseTCP" --progress
python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseHTTP" --progress
python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseHTTPBatches" --progress
kill %%

Want to customize server settings?

./build_release/build/bin/ucall_example_sum_uring --nic= --port=8545 --threads=16 --silent=false

Want to dispatch more clients and aggregate more accurate statistics?

python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseTCP" --threads 32 --seconds 100
python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseHTTP" --threads 32 --seconds 100
python examples/ "jsonrpc_client.CaseHTTPBatches" --threads 32 --seconds 100

A lot has been said about the speed of Python code or the lack of. To get more accurate numbers for mean request latency, you can use wrk for html requests

wrk -t1 -c32 -d2s http://localhost:8545/ -s json.lua
wrk -t1 -c32 -d2s http://localhost:8545/ -s json16.lua

Or the GoLang version for jsonRPC requests:

go run ./examples/login/jsonrpc_client.go -h
go run ./examples/login/jsonrpc_client.go -b 100

Or push it even further dispatching dozens of processes with GNU parallel utility:

sudo apt install parallel
parallel go run ./examples/login/jsonrpc_client.go run ::: {1..32}

gRPC Results#

pip install grpcio grpcio-tools
python ./examples/login/ &
python examples/ "grpc_client.ValidateClient" --progress
python examples/ "grpc_client.ValidateClient" --threads 32
kill %%